Your Weekly Horoscope for July 21-27: Reclaiming Yourself


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Welcome to a new week with new beginnings and endings, potentials and continuations. Our weekly horoscope includes vast shifts and movement in the cosmos, which translate to vast shifts and movements within our perspectives, beliefs, and ideas. There is deep wisdom available and, when we allow it to induce self-reclamation and self-empowerment, deep alchemy as well.

Weekly Astrology for July 21-27

July 21 | Mercury Square Venus; Full Moon in Capricorn
July 22 | Sun Enters Leo
July 23 | Sun Opposes Pluto
July 24 | Moon Enters Pisces
July 25 | Mercury Enters Virgo; Moon Enters Aries
July 26 | Chiron Retrograde

Mercury Square Uranus

Meeting us on July 21, 2024, is Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. Squares ask for our attention. Although they tend to be associated with tension, they can also be a doorway to change.

Mercury square Uranus invites an opening of the mind. It highlights the structures, narratives, and ideas in your mind that are anything but empowering. While Mercury represents linear thought and mental processing, Uranus is liberation and sharp intuition. This meeting confronts logic with intuition and patterned thoughts with a new way of doing things. It is a meeting place of current and future.

Tension can arise when we try to incorporate new ways of being. According to your weekly horoscope, this day is a time to open your mind. Journal, listen, and play in the realm of ideas. Let yourself wander past your current limits, structures, and beliefs for a moment so you remain open to what is new, different, and awaiting your awareness.

Full Moon in Capricorn

The second Capricorn full Moon of the year takes place on July 21, 2024.  There is a depth to this full Moon by way of a release, activation, and initiation.

As the Moon illuminates the night in Capricorn, the Sun moves through its final moments in the opposite sign of Cancer. Whereas Cancer invites us to tend to what lives within us, Capricorn creates what is in our outer realms. Capricorn is a sign that leaves its mark on the world and builds a legacy.

It’s a full Moon that asks us to be truthful with what it is we desire to build in our lives, who we desire to be, and the legacy we feel drawn to leave. It’s also an alchemizing full Moon, where what is illuminated in our unconscious holds the information needed to achieve what we desire.

Sun Enters Leo

A day after the full Moon, the Sun leaves the subdued waters of Cancer and enters the fiery and expressive realm of Leo on July 22, 2024.

Leo season is an invitation to reconnect with your own spark and ask how it wants to express itself. It is a time of creative and passionate desires. It is an invitation to occupy more of yourself and discover your own frequency, flavor, and vitality. And it is a season to feel the pleasure of life moving through us.

As we travel through Leo season from July 22 to August 22, 2024, observe what creates feelings of confidence, pleasure, and connection to your spark. Observe what you are doing, thinking, or being when you feel most like yourself. Let these spaces fill you.

Sun Opposite Pluto

Shortly after the Sun enters Leo, it comes into opposition with Pluto in Aquarius on July 23, 2024. Oppositions remind us that everything exists in polarity and duality, unable to exist without its opposite.

The Sun is the core of who we are. It is our identity and our expression of all of ourself. Pluto is our underworld and all that exists beneath our conscious awareness. In this opposition, we are granted access to more of ourselves. We get to reclaim what has been living beneath the surface by throwing the light of consciousness into previously unconscious spaces.

There is access to insight, expansion, and a reclaiming of parts of ourselves that are ready to be seen and integrated into ourself. When we create space to sit with both sides, we create space for integration and alchemy.

Mercury Enters Virgo

On July 25, 2024, Mercury makes its way into Virgo. Mercury is the mind. It is learning, communicating, and processing information. Mercury rules Virgo. Together, they are logical, practical, and clearheaded. They help us tend to the practical details of life—the spaces that need clearing, cleaning, organizing, and refining. They also bring that same clearing, cleaning, organizing, and refining to the mind and its thoughts, patterns, and perspectives.

Mercury will begin its retrograde next month, which means the path we walk this week and beyond will be the very path we retrace while Mercury is in its backward spin.

Chiron Retrograde

Both an asteroid and a comet, Chiron orbits the Sun from its place in between Saturn and Uranus. In astrology, it is known as the wounded healer for reminding us that when we’re present with our hurt, alchemy happens.

As it begins its retrograde on July 26, 2024, Chiron takes us on an inward journey through the core of who we are—our self-expression, individuality, and relationship with desire. Chiron retrograde invites us to become our own healer by tending to the hurts and fears that simultaneously exist within us and hold us back from ourselves.

(Illustration: Unknown)

Weekly Horoscope for July 21-28

Your weekly horoscope can help you understand specific invitations. Read for your rising sign.

Aries Rising

It’s a week that invites you to begin to make transitions that help you actualize your long-term visions, purpose, and legacy. Let all that is awaiting you inform your unconscious beliefs and patterning and you can start to experience liberation.

Taurus Rising

There’s a deeper belonging within yourself that invites a restructuring of your mind, perspectives, and connection to meaning and a higher purpose. As you tend to these foundations, your relationships, desires, and pleasures—everything in your life—will follow.

Gemini Rising

Presence, intimacy, and vulnerability with all that exists within you can be catalyzing and alchemizing. Explore that. Then observe the way that life speaks to you and the way that the future calls you toward it.

Cancer Rising

How do you feel safe, secure, and at home within yourself? Explore those spaces so that you can step into an expansion in the way you relate to the world, others, and yourself. The week begins a longer chapter of healing around your legacy and your desires.

Leo Rising

Others serve as mirrors to all that exists within. This week, the clarity in these reflections is enhanced. As you continue tending to your well-being and desires, observe what other people are highlighting and what reactions, patterns, or emotions come to surface in response.

Virgo Rising

Pleasure in the moment is something to be cultivated, tended to, strengthened through the way that you go about your moments, days, and lives. This week reminds you that bringing change to your habits can create space for happiness.

Libra Rising

Come home to yourself and all that you have always loved. What did you desire as a child? What brought you pleasure? And how can you return to that spark?

Scorpio Rising

Your weekly horoscope offers a cleansing of your mind, an open line of communication between your conscious and unconscious, and a release of whatever is not yours. It is a reframing of all that is ready for you to be seen differently, and it is an opening to new ways of being, seeing, and believing.

Sagittarius Rising

This week acts as a doorway into novel ways of seeing, thinking, believing, connecting, and perceiving. It helps release all that keeps you from stepping into your own conversation with life, wisdom, knowing, and understanding. And it initiates your dedication to tending to your creative expression, joy, and courage.

Capricorn Rising

Your weekly horoscope offers the kind of transformation, medicine, and tending that alters every aspect of your living. Allow for shifts in your identity, your emotional world, and your unnoticed patterns. Surrender to any insights and medicine that come to your awareness.

Aquarius Rising

Lean back. Unclench. And let go. Release all that rests on your shoulders and allow yourself to be held by the current of life. This week is less about action and more about surrender. It’s about deemphasizing expressing and simply listening. It’s about trusting in the kind of knowing that bypasses the mind.

Pisces Rising

The visions that call your name continue to unfold this week as you create space in the way you relate to them. But not by holding on tightly to what you expect. Rather, by remaining unwavering in your trust that they are drawing you somewhere on purpose.

Explore the effects of the Moon, learn what your opposite sign means, and understand how astrology intersects with your everyday life through our astrology email newsletter.


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