Yoga Nidra Deep Rest


12 Minute Deep Rest Yoga Nidra – Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training:

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This 12 Minute Yoga Nidra is like a little reset for your mind. This guided yoga nidra includes gentle ocean waves to further soothe the nervous system with natural soundscape. This type of meditation aids deep relaxation, non sleep deep rest, and for those who need it, sleep. This yogic sleep practice is guided by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga.

Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that uses a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. This yogic sleep technique calms the nervous system and activate the parasympathetic (relaxation, rest & digest) response which is so needed in these current times.

In this yoga nidra guided meditation to relax you will be guided through a body scan to calm the nervous system, It’s a 12 minute yoga nidra guided relaxation to reboot your whole nervous system. This 12min yoga nidra script lead by Ally Boothroyd of Sarovara Yoga that is perfect for anxiety relief. Lie down, relax, rest and meditate all at the same time!

This 12 minute yoga nidra for relaxation aids to calm stress and anxiety. It’s a short, effective yogic sleep practice with ocean waves to calm the nerves and take you deeper into theta and delta brainwave states.

This is a yoga nidra style body scan to soothe the nerves. This yog nidra has a soothing female voice further enhance the state of deep relaxation in the central nervous system. Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation that helps with insomnia, anxiety, stress, adrenal fatigue, ptsd and so much more.

And you can practice these guided yoga nidras next:

15 Minute Yoga Nidra Body Scan:
35 Minute Traditional Yoga Nidra:
20 Minute Yoga Nidra for Relaxation:
30 Minute Grounding Yoga Nidra:
30 Minute Root Chakra Yoga Nidra:
40 Minute Yoga Nidra with Swinging Chimes:

Practice Live in Retreats or YTTs with Ally:

If you enjoy your experience with this meditation please leave a comment below and let me know!

Also, If you have a request for a type of meditation or yog Nidra you would like me to publish please let me know below!

I’m always open to suggestions 🙂

Happy Meditating,
Loka Samastah Suki Nau Bhavantu

With Love, Ally ( )

Copyright ⓒ 2022 Ally Boothroyd. All Rights Reserved.

#yoganidra #yogicsleep #sleepmeditation #guidedmeditation #yogaforsleep


  1. I love this one!! Thank you! I did not sleep much last night, and I was nervous and anxious. After 12 minutes, I am ready to go again. I like the focusing of both sides simultaneously, though I have notice that it is easier to focus when the body part is in contact with some surface.

  2. Thanks very much for this wonderful exercise! I did it right before in the train and it had a really amazing effect! I felt like after a deep sleep of 8 hours.

    Best greetings from Switzerland and may you all stay blessed, Manuel

  3. Good morning Ali… Thank you for this condensed 12 min Yoga Nidra sesh🙏. Perfect fit for this morning’s ferry commute into town. Arriving totally refreshed and now energized for my day! Gratitude 🙏 ❤

  4. Thanks Ally for this shorter version of Yoga Nidra, it helps me relax and bounce back by energising all layers whenever I am feeling low and groggy🙏🏾
    Love all your guided Yoga Nidra… grateful for creating and sharing 🙏🏾❤️

  5. So I started a 12 step program al anon to help me recover from my sons’ adddiction. This has helped me connect to my higher power (the universe flow of energy) and I add that phrase to Sankalpa. Love your videos my daily life is much more serene.

  6. I’ve been been enjoying your recordings for a while. Yoga nidra is very helpful practice for me. Do you do any recordings without the Self promotion at the end? I’d love it if it just faded into nice healing sounds.

  7. Hi ally❤
    I've done yoga nidra with ur videos alot lately, but fascinately this one hit the spot while being short and brought so much peace to me~
    I felt light and peacful like i was floating on the water!!
    Thank u so much and keep doing the good job🙌


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