Yoga For Suffering | 20-Minute Yoga Flow


In this gentle 20-minute yoga flow, you are invited to take a moment to surrender. No need to come with an agenda or worry about a specific outcome.

Set down your burdens and let yoga take care of you. Welcome in a mindful moment and remember, you are not alone.

I got your back.

Let me know how this practice went for you in the comment section down below.


For more videos like this, check out our Yoga For Anxiety playlist:

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


  1. My suffering is all my own cause but I needed this to help me out of the deep hole I've been in for the past month. Reading other people's comments about real loss snapped me out of it. I can ride the wave! Thanks, Adriene~

  2. Thank You!!! You have no idea how much this touch my soul right now… you are amazing, motivated and encouraging… speaking from the heart! i'm encouraged that tomorrow will be a better day for me, thank you to this Yoga Flow!!! keep being you ♥ ♥

  3. Came to this video, have been here before, but came back as life is full of ups and downs. This time I cried for 3 hours, then made it here. I still have some tears inside, but I am grateful for the community. Life is not always easy, everybody has their own struggle and fights. I feel proud for all, to be able to make a step for yourself in time of need, is the pure act of self-compassion. I am sending my love and hugs whomever need, I hope it will pass and become only better.

  4. It may not feel like it bit the fact that i stayed in childs pose really showed me my growth which was comforting despite not feeling my best. Ive always struggled with perfectionism and i remember when i first started yoga i always told myself i had to do the hardest variation no matter how i felt because i needed to do it "right" (whatever that means). But my body told me that it didnt need a core activation in the moment it needed a self soothing hug like gesture and finally i listened. I realised some things on the matt today. I can be obsessive when it comes to exercise and i took a long break from it for that reason, today was a reminder to take it slower than i think i should and hold and listen to my inner child all the way. Thank you adrienne.

  5. I lost my cat yesterday and it was all my fault. I don't know how to breathe, I don't know how I can live with myself now. I don't know if I want to. The only moments when I can stop hating myself are the ones I spend doing some yoga and listening to your voice. Somehow I feel like I don't deserve these moments at all. It hurts so much. I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve to have an owner like me, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I'm sorry.

  6. I just discovered yoga about two mo ths ago. My initial reason was to lose weight. My new reason is it makes me feel whole. Makes me feel like I can accomplish anything. And in times of sorrow it makes me feel like I matter and that I am not alone. Adriene, I couldn't ask for a better teacher.

  7. Been dealing with a sudden onset of chronic health issues this past year and Yoga with Adriene has been the constant thing getting me out of bed in the morning not doom scrolling on my phone. I was supposed to get surgery today to help find a diagnosis, but I got very sick yesterday and had to cancel. Been in bed all day but decided I needed to try and move around, and I remember seeing this video on my suggested feed. Despite feeling like I had no energy or couldn't move I was able to complete this practice and I feel slightly myself again. Thank you for all you do <3

  8. Going through a 6 year relationship break up. I feel like a mess inside. Everything hurts. I am just staring in to space when I realized maybe Yoga will help me move, just a tiny bitm 😢 I need this. Time to self-soothe. 😭

  9. This was a good practice but I'm wondering if anyone else had extremely sore shoulders when they were doing this? I'm normally ok for planks etc, but for some reason, the forearm portion really hurt my shoulders?

  10. Day 15 may 2024… I have seen
    Some of the comments and sometimes I just feel that you give me the answer I have been looking for all day… I can not deal with my image… I hate it… today ur comments.. Adrian yoga… just made me calm on myself.. not to hold me back… keep looking and trying… thanks Adrian ❤❤❤❤
    Thank you all🎉❤❤

  11. Hello friends from May 2024,
    5/31 so far, I keep on going
    I feel like I'm at my best lately, but! When Adrien said "let your tears out" I somehow started crying… totally didn't expect that. Probably I still store a lot of grief deep inside, and all it needs to be let out is a permission. I allow my grief to come out and let it go.

  12. This was hard on my shoulders. I think it made me realize I need to incorporate more core and glute strength.
    Good to take things slow and really hold poses. Makes me pay attention to what muscles I am using.
    May 5 2024.

  13. GREET 🌅 | May 5, 2024 | A great reminder that when things are tough, we can recruit strength from within and around us for support. There's a lot of shoulders in this practice, but once we realize that we can support the shoulders with our core, glutes, legs – it's not so hard. 🙏


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