Yoga For Stress & Anxiety Relief | Blissful Yin Yoga Experience


A blissful yin yoga class to let go of stress/anxiety while releasing hip pain and hamstring stiffness. These types of Boho Beautiful yoga practices are also a gentle and easy way to reconnect to your breath and find a moment to still the mind.

Remember to breathe and listen to your body. Allow this home yin yoga class to give you the opportunity to let go of all that no longer serves your mind and body.

Roll out that mat and enjoy! XO

Vancouver Island, Canada

Intro Song:
Meet Me At The Beach by James Forest

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Boho Beautiful is a yoga fitness lifestyle channel created by Juliana Spicoluk and Mark Spicoluk that is creating positive content for your body, mind, and the earth. Yoga, Wanderlust, Fitness, Vegan food, Conscious Living, and Meditation!

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Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.


  1. i wish i had discovered yoga a long time ago, ive been practicing for a few months now but i never feel as calm as i do when im doing one of your sessions. they’ve alleviated a lot of my chronic pain, and help with depression, so i am eternally grateful for this channel. ❤

  2. Thank you very much ❤ I AM grateful for your time to make this video. I felt the strange Sensation in my chest, its like I AM not able to breathe fully, I have this Sensation on some yoga poses.. Anybody had that too? I AM wondering what is this and why? IT means I have any blocked energy in my chest, near heart?

  3. Namaste my Beautiful loves , I thank you so so very very much for allowing me to practice with you. Thank you again and have a wonderful rest of your day. 🧘🏼‍♀️🙏🏻🕉☀️🌳🦋🍃🍁🍂🍃🍁🍂💝💝💝💝💝🥰😘😘💕♥️❤️❤️‍🩹

  4. I am doing the 21-days pilates challenge and currently I am at Day 9. As a Yoga and Pilates beginner this was really hard for me. I love how the setting, music and her voice a relaxing…the poses not so much. At least for me. I have short muscles in my calves. Just showed me how much I have to work on my health and flexibility

  5. Incredible! This was exactly what I needed this morning. I liked doing your yoga lesson, it's more advanced than most of the lessons I find on YouTube. Thank you for sharing, Namaste 🙏

  6. I’ve loved your classes for many years. My only dislike is how in pretty much all the yin yoga videos the talking doesn’t stop which I find very unsettling for yin yoga. I would love if once in the posture the majority of the 2minutes was just silence. Or the occasional “let go” “breathe”.

  7. Юлечка, Ваш канал выше всяких похвал, это сокровище! Я убеждена в скором времени у Вас будет миллион миллионов подписчиков! Я Вам этого искренне желаю! Процветания Вам!❤️🌸❤️

  8. I am so thankful for your voice and videos. It’s difficult to stay in the moment for me but I just feel so powerful and strengthened as if I am ready to face the world even though it’s just for a minute makes my day so much better. Thank you for everything ♥️

  9. this is the best and most frequently video among all youtubers i played! sooo helpful each time i practice seem like first time i practice i love it soo stress relief❤

  10. Thank you SOOOOOO much. This is really helping me get thru a crisis. I'm so grateful to have found this channel, and this wonderful soul/lady that is gently guiding me back to my own inner strength and wellness. THANK YOU.


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