Yoga For Stress And Anxiety Relief | Yoga Dose


How do you get rid of anxiety? Is yoga good for anxiety? yes. This yoga class is for stress and anxiety relief.

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  1. I’m loving the get down to it straight forward delivery, with the occasional giggle at your self awareness of being human , you have it down for me I’m enjoying the 30 day challenging reviving my discipline. Too

  2. I hate yoga. All yoga does is really piss me off because I think it’s stupid and I feel like I look stupid doing it. Yoga is for tea drinking liberal yuppies that believe in bullshit like healing stones! Fuck that shit!

  3. just realized in order to fully appreciate this, i need a quiet empty space in my house…but if i had that i wouldnt be stressed…i dont think lack of yoga is my problem. maybe when the kids are moved out…ill see you in about 12 years

  4. Tim, thanks so much for another great yoga routine.  I don't refer to my yoga sessions as "workouts" anymore because I enjoy them so much.  I appreciate the tone and volume of your instructions, and also the lack of background music.  The silence is so golden.  I find music to be a little bit of a distraction from my routines.  Thanks again.    -Dan

  5. I really liked this video. Almost all you videos are flows and having a more Yin/Holding poses video is great. I hope you make more Yin yoga videos in the future. Keep up the good work! Namaste

  6. Hi Tim
    I really enjoying ur videos.
    I have a question that when i practice astanga sequences why i get gastric and constipation problems?
    I'm feeling dehydrated
    can u please help me with this.

  7. Hi Tim! Awesome video. I love the feeling of inversions. 🙂 Also, I would love to add a shevasena (sp?) that does guided breathing techniques…. do you have one? Thanks for another morning yoga session from the Kalman casa

  8. Hey Tim. I really enjoy you videoes and use them frequently, so thanks for doing them. I have a quick Q about technique that you may have time to give me a quick low-down on. When I follow your more heavy duty sessions, I feel an intense strain in my lower back. It´s not painful per se, but it´s a very intense sensation that usually lasts for about 2-3 minutes before it yields. Is this due to me doing something wrong (like the up-to-downdog) or is it just a sign that I´ve done a number on my muscles? Thanks again for being my yoga instructor, Tim. Regards from Norway


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