Yoga For Pelvic Floor | Yoga With Adriene


Yoga For The Pelvic Floor- full yoga workshop with Adriene. This all-levels session focuses on how to build strength, stabilize, soften, and awareness in the pelvic floor. This will influence all yoga asana as well as provide you valuable time to breathe and center. Connect brain and body in a way that serves.

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Take this time to learn, explore, and enjoy.

Let me know how it goes down below! Namaste!

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


  1. Yoga has the power to bring people together.

    Though our practice we find a spot to share together.

    To move, to breathe, to high five and thrive on common ground.

    So, gather ye, one and all.

    I hope you enjoy this week’s free workshop style practice…

    Let me know how it goes in the comment section down below!

    PS: New love letter in your box! With lots of love and your FREE Yoga Calendar for August!

  2. For the first time in months I was able to activate my left inner thigh muscles. I've got various problems with that hip and it's left me with (so I thought) no pathway to activate my left inner thigh, but it turns out there's still a route through my pelvic floor. This video has helped me so much with the hip, and will make my other practices so much more effective with the pelvic floor engagement, thank you!

  3. Hi Andriene! Found this great excerice. Is this good for Dyssynergic Defecation syndrome or just unable to empty bowels fully? I have this symptom since i started tapering off Anti-anxiety meds. Really struggling.
    From Srilanka 💚

  4. To be honest I'm trying but this one is hard for me. Despite years of yoga, bridge pose is still an ordeal for me, I often end up with cramps in my thighs, and I have trouble supporting my back with my core…
    And pelvic floor work makes me feel like I'm going to get cystitis, so it's very hard and unpleasant for me 😅 maybe I'm trying to hard? Maybe I should stop lifting or squeezing so much?

  5. I did this practice when my menstrual pain was begging to kick in, but it melted away completely and never came back that day 😮 normally I would take some pain killers in this situation, but this yoga worked better. Thank you for this upload!

  6. Had surgery for endometriosis and fibroids about a year ago, and recently started having overwhelming pain and very emotional 😢. This was my first time doing this and I started to cry halfway through. Not sure what I started to release, but I let myself feel it and let it go. I’m going to do this at least 3-4 days a week. I have to. It’s for my own personal growth, and didn’t realize it needed me to pay attention to it like this until now.

  7. Thank you for infusing yourself into this practice. I recently recognized I was having some urinary incontinence during stressful times and I found this video. These exercises alleviated some tenseness I didn't even realize was there! Thank you.

  8. I did not know you had a pelvic floor video. Even though I do the butterfly (cobbler) pose a lot and malasana as well, I have never imagined the diamond shape that you brought to our attention here. That was so helpful. I also love how much you have succeeded in making this video at such a relaxed and "no rush" pace. It is so deserving for us all, to show this type of self-love. To pay attention to our pelvic floor in this non-hurried way. SO, thanks a ton!!! I stopped at 26:16.

  9. Народ вы заметили специально наводнение делт везде чтоб люди не выходили на забастовки поняли мёртвых никагонет наводнение тогда люди молчать буду везде это делают чтоб вавластти остат ся что они дальше придумают смотрите идумайти

  10. No joke before you mention Benji loving the breathing technique . I was following your lead doing the technique my doggo was sleep and he woke ran toward me wigglin his tail and tried to lick my face hahahahah , he lay right beside for the ending of the video ❤

  11. I had some bladder infection a few months ago, and the pain took a bit longer to heal than expected.
    Duting the last months the pain was gone the whole day, but at night, when i started to relax, the pain came back. I thought that the bladder infection was back.
    Yesterday, i started looking around what else it might be.
    I discovered another bladder disease, which is something called as dropped bladder. I just thought that might be an invention of sorts, until i started testing my body, and the light bulb 💡 klicked.
    I read a bit more and the news about it could be bad. In the early stages, this disease can only be cured with muscles exercises, and in late stages, surgery is in fact needed.
    Today i thought about your yoga channel and i thought that if there is some sort of training that might help me, you might have it online.
    And here it is.
    I just finished the training, and I can already see results. First and foremost: no pain. Second, the bladder is back into place, but the muscles around it still need time to get back into place. I am going to try and see this video twice a day this week, in hopes everything will go back to normal.

    Besides that, you are totally right about the space opening. I manage to feel exactly what you meant!! I got further in some positions that i usually wouls never managed to do!!

    Thank you so much for saving my life be explaining me how to save it!


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