Yoga For Grief | Reduce anxiety symptoms with a gentle practice | Follow Along | Shona Vertue


Youtube Family – this practice is close to my heart. Grief is not easy to manage because it’s so hard to predict. It can be intense, tiring and all consuming. Other times it can just hover in the background, draining energy slowly but surely.

Hopefully you find this practice helps to reduce the symptoms associated with grief and their physical repercussions (such as tension, tightness and agitation) as well.

I hope this helps to provide relief or release to whatever you are grieving.


  1. My company just fired everyone in my plant facility. I’ve been there over 20 years. I already am diagnosed with anxiety/depression and needless to say it’s worsened. So this is a needed gift ❤I already have your programs and love adding these to them. Thank you and take care.


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