Yoga For Asthma – #A2ZYogaSeries


Kick starting a new series in yoga called #A2ZYogaSeries


Have difficulty breathing?

Suffering from Ashtma?

These basic yoga poses when done regularly can help.

Anulom Vilom- This breathing technique has a healing effect on many respiratory and circulatory problems.

Kapalbhati- This technique relaxes the mind and energizes the nervous system. It also clears all the nadis (energy channels) and improves blood circulation.

Ardha Matsyendra asana- opens the chest and improves the supply of oxygen to the lungs.

Pawanmuktasana- massages the abdominal organs and helps in digestion and release of gas

Setu bandhasana- opens up the chest and lungs and reduces thyroid problem.

Bhujangasana- The Cobra pose expands the chest, improves blood circulation

Hope these help💕.

Wait for the B in the series or if you have suggestions do share.

#yogabyprerna #maaofallblogs #yogaistheanswer


  1. The fourth one is actually more bad than good, if you're compressing the lungs and diaphragm like that, you're making it harder to breathe. In case of an asthma attack, don't do yoga, go to the er, or if on hand, use your rescue inhaler. Yoga won't help to the extent of a simple inhaler. Please don't waste your time doing yoga and just use your inhaler.


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