Yoga eye exercises


Strengthen your eye sight and relax your eyes. Anybody sitting in front of a computer or a TV for long hours can benefit immensely from practicing these yoga eye exercises daily. You can do them sitting in a chair or on the floor, or in a standing position. Eye exercises also help to balance the brain hemispheres and harmonize the mind.

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  1. I find that these exercises do help relax the eyes. I found it best to do these exercises just before you get in bed, and then keep your eyes closed. This way you get a full night's sleep with relaxed eyes.

  2. I first watched this video at least 12 years ago and still come back to it 😊 so very relieving for my sore eyes and relaxing to an anxious mind. Thank you very much for this. Te agradezco mucho ❤

  3. Vielen Dank für die Übungen. Ich hatte ein Video von Paul McCartney gesehen über Yoga Augenübungen. Dies ist sehr ausführlich. Mein zweiter Tag heute. Gestern tat es fast ein bisschen weh aber heute schon ein bisschen besser. Wenn ich meine Augen bewege höre ich rascheln, vielleicht verbunden mit dem Tinnitus. Ich werde es weitermachen und sehen ob meine Augen nicht mehr so ermüdet fühlen sogar nachdem ich gerade aufwachte.

  4. I have keratoconus and glaucoma I also crochet and do close up work a lot. When I did this exercise the first time my eye muscles felt stiff they also got very watery. Thus has also helped my dry eyes. There's no reason not to do this workout it's less than 7 minutes long!

  5. I have an eye disease called RP,,I do these exercises every other day,I hope I may help me after awhile,,I have been doing them for about 8 months,,I think they are are helping me a bit but I am not sure the change in my eyesight is so gradually slow


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