Yin Yoga for Anxiety and Stress | 30 min Yoga for Vata Dosha 💨


Yin yoga for anxiety and stress will calm and soothe vata dosha in the fall months.
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🌙 FREE 7 Day Journey Into Yin & Yoga Nidra:

In Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, the doshas are made of the five elements of nature. Vata dosha is a combination of air and space. The fall season is dominated by wind in the environment around us, and leads to an excess of wind in the body and mind. This creates mental agitation, anxiety, insomnia and lower digestive disturbances.

This yin yoga practice compresses the large intestine and colon to break up stagnation and release excess air from our systems.This stimulates the downward flow of energy (apana vayu) so that we can release stress and calm our minds. Most of all, this practice will ground your mind into your body and bring you back into the peace of the present moment.

🌍 More seasonal yoga practices:
🌍 Full Length Yin Yoga for Vata practice:

Namaste, Kristen

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Yoga with Kristen recommends that you consult a physician before participating in any exercise program. Not all exercises presented here are suitable for everyone, and with any exercise program there is a possibility of physical injury. If you use this program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these exercises, and assume the risk of injury to yourself. Yoga With Kristen disclaims any liabilities in connection with the exercise program and advice herein. #yinyoga #yogaforanxiety #yogaforvata



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