What the Last New Moon of the Year Means for You


Having a vision and a frequency to anchor your attention allows you to understand and say no to distractions. It helps you each day hear your resounding yeses because they align with your chosen frequency. When faced with a decision, you can ask yourself, does this align with how I want to feel? If the answer is no, the decision is clear.

Also, spend time before the new Moon becoming conscious about where and how you spend your energy. If you are busy focusing on something that is not aligned with your desires, then you are wasting your resources. Become very clear this new Moon on what you want to experience in 2025 and ensure that it aligns with the frequency you want to feel.

As you reflect on how you spend your energy, notice where you are gaining energy back and where you are losing it. Align with Capricorn’s affinity for structure to create containers and boundaries for the things that take too much from you. If certain emotions are taking up your attention and focus, commit to resolving and releasing them. Spend a limited amount of time each day processing your emotions  until they are no longer clamoring for your attention. This practice may look like dedicating 15 or 20 minutes a day to journaling about your emotions so they feel seen and heard rather than overtake your entire day.

Also, create everyday practices that help you align with the frequency you want to feel. These can include affirmations, meditations, or simple rituals that help you embody that vibration. When you exist in the frequency you desire, then situations appear that help support that frequency. This is how we become powerful manifesters—by regularly tuning our vibration to our chosen frequency.

Capricorn teaches us that energy and attention are precious resources. Holding a clear vision and focusing your energy creates magic in your life. When you have these two components, things begin to evolve rapidly as you meet the people you need, hear the intuitive hits that help you, and find the courage to take the leaps  presented to you.

Learn more about the newMoon in Capricorn, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Capricorn Season + New Moon workbook, from which the above is excerpted. You can also learn more about creating life-changing habits with the Inspired Habits course.

Learn more about the role that the Moon and planets play in your everyday life, including your weekly horoscope as well as significant transits and retrogrades, when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.


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