What the Full Moon in Aries This October Means for You


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The warrior spirit of the full Moon in Aries asks us to focus on ourselves and our soul’s purpose. Aries brings us courage and motivation to align with the life your soul wants to live and let go of habits, situations, and relationships that block us. Feel the warrior spirit of Aries and decide what you are willing to fight for in your life. What battles are worth your energy?

When is the Full Moon in Aries?

The full Moon in Aries takes place on October 17th, 2024.

What Does the Full Moon in Aries Mean for You

Aries is the warrior of the zodiac. Ruled by the fire element and the planet Mars, Aries teaches us that we are each here on a mission. Aries encourages us to take action, fight for what we believe in, and overcome any obstacles in the way of our dreams.

Our soul wants to accomplish something this lifetime. Each of us has a purpose, and it will keep calling us until we pay attention to it. It may take years for us to find our purpose and even longer to follow it. You do not need to know your life’s purpose right now. The full Moon in Aries can help you feel it, though, if you allow it.

The position of the Sun (Soleil), Earth (Terre), and Moon (Pleine Lune) during the phase when it appears to be full. (Illustration: ilbusca | Getty)

Once you know your purpose in life, it’s up to you to pursue it, and that can feel daunting. It may require career shifts or moves to new locations. It may also ask you to say goodbye to certain people or habits. The upcoming full Moon helps you recognize anything that stands in the way of pursuing your purpose and then release it. This full Moon is also a time to look at how you may be battling with yourself. Are you fighting your soul’s calling or ignoring it? Are you instilling doubts in yourself that block you?

The lower frequency of Aries is frustration and anger. When we don’t follow our soul’s purpose, we tend to end up frustrated with life and angry at ourselves. We may also become angry with the people around us and project our frustrations onto them. This full Moon is a time to feel any anger you may have and find its origin. Are you frustrated that you are not living the life of your soul? Have you made compromises on things that needed to be fought for instead? Are you waging war on yourself?

The full Moon in Aries can help you transform your anger into motivation. It can help you tune into your internal fire and direct that fire either at yourself or into making changes that help you align with your soul. Instead of attacking yourself with limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging messages, channel your fire into taking action in creating the life you want to live. Stop ignoring the callings of your soul. Create a life that makes you feel content on all levels and leaves no room for anger over what could have been.

The full Moon in Aries can also help us reignite our passion if we have lost it. Once we find our purpose and pursue it, it can become challenging to stay motivated. We may end up feeling stagnant in our growth or trapped by our mission. Keeping up your passion for life is an important part of following your soul’s journey. Feel into any resentment you may have for your purpose. Does it make you feel trapped? How can you shift the way you feel about it? Try being grateful for being you.

Zodiac wheel featuring all 12 astrological signs including the axis along which opposite signs and modalities fall
(Photo: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

What the Full Moon in Aries and Sun in Libra Means for You

While the full Moon lands in Aries, the Sun remains in Libra, allowing us to work with both of these vibrations in our energetic bodies. Aries and Libra sit opposite each other in the sky and on the zodiac wheel. Aries is home to the first house of the self and ruled by Mars, while Libra is home to the seventh house of relationships and ruled by Venus.

On the surface, these two energies are as different as can be. When we look a little closer, they can teach us valuable lessons about staying aligned with our soul’s journey while sharing the experience of living it with another.

Aries reminds us that we have a purpose in this life and when we find it, we feel content. Libra encourages us to feel at peace no matter the situation, which is more easily achieved when aligned with our soul’s path. We also have a better chance of forming healthy relationships and partnerships when we have a purpose and feel fulfilled on our own. The full Moon in Aries reminds us that we are already complete. People in our lives do not complete us. The real relationship to observe during this season is the one with yourself.

Aries and Libra both carry the warrior spirit. Aries is more aggressive, depicting the typical warrior ready to fight through adversity to rise to the next level. Libra is more of a peaceful warrior, who battles only when balance has been disturbed. Aries gives us the energy to conquer some of our toughest demons, while Libra helps us right the wrongs done to us or those we’ve done to others. Aries also fights with fire and force, while Libra uses air composed of words and balanced communications.

Aries is direct and often unstoppable. When we invoke the energy of Aries, change happens. We send the message, and there is no misinterpreting the meaning. Libra, on the other hand, is softer and often can be swayed to another side. Libra tends to see all sides equally, which can be beneficial. But it can also make this energy less effective in creating change quickly. The vibration of Libra asks that we first understand the whole issue from all sides before making a decision. This understanding can take time and may lose momentum.

When we look at Aries’s higher vibrations, we see courage, determination, stamina and drive. This energy helps us make decisions quickly and confidently. It also helps us dissolve obstacles with determination and sheer willpower. This is the energy of the ram, ready to act when needed and not allowing anything to stop it. We need this energy in our lives when we are facing adversities, starting something new, or choosing to focus on ourselves. It allows us to make challenging choices that demand we put ourselves first. It also helps us understand when being selfish can be beneficial for our evolution and the overall vibration of the world.

Aries teaches us that when we put ourselves and our missions first, everyone benefits. Our path may require us to choose it over and over again, and Aries supports choosing our soul’s journey even when it’s not the easy one.

But in its low, or shadow, frequencies, Aries becomes negatively selfish. It can cause us to make ourselves the only priority. It also prompts us to focus only on our perspective, giving us a one-sided vision as we forget to see things from another’s point of view. We lose our ability to compromise or make choices for the sake of peace. We stand our ground even when it’s not worth the battle. We may even start battles just for the sake of proving a point with no real intention behind the energy.

Self interest walks a fine line. We need enough of it to stay true to our journey and not give into other people’s demands when they challenge our commitment to ourselves. Too much selfishness, though, causes us to live a life of solitude or unbalanced relationships. When we take too much energy, it doesn’t feel good. We intuitively know when relationships are unbalanced. We may not know how to correct it, but we know that something if off. This feeling of imbalance causes frustration and anger—other low sides of Aries.

As you work with the full Moon in Aries, ask yourself where you may have crossed the line of selfishness. Where do you need to be more selfish for the sake of your soul? And where do you need to be less selfish for the sake of your partnerships? There are things in this life that are non-negotiable, and there are things that we can loosen our grip on. Decide on this full Moon what you are willing to fight for, what you are willing to stand your ground on, and what you are willing to negotiate over for another person’s happiness. Helping others be happy in turn makes us happy in our hearts and can sometimes be more important than proving a point.

This full Moon also helps us shed the lower vibrations of Libra, which can work against the search for our purpose. The low, or shadow, side of the scales is passive-aggressiveness and indecision. When we align with this side, we vacillate between choices, become frustrated, and cannot make a decision. We question our instinctual knowledge and lose trust in ourselves and run around in circles without ever finding our way.

Being indecisive is a battle with ourselves and this war can spill onto others. This constant wavering can pressure our relationships as we look to others for answers, not understanding that we already hold the answers we seek. We also tend to lean on others’ support instead of our own inner strength to help us on our journeys. This behavior can lead to codependency and a tendency to lose ourselves in another.

If you find yourself aligning with the lower vibrations of Libra, spend some time in meditation and learn to trust yourself without outside influence. Ask yourself questions and notice the first answers that appear. Allow them to come from your intuition rather than overanalyzing. Feel your gut response and go with it. Take action and know that if things don’t go the way you want them to, there will always be a lesson to learn. And give yourself the grace to make missteps on your path. This allowance will encourage you to pick a road and walk it.

Unknown quote in typewriter font on a white background about the Moon being full
(Illustration: Unknown)

Other Astrological Influences on the Full Moon in Aries

Throughout the full Moon in Aries, the Moon and Sun square Mars in Cancer. The ruling planet of Aries, Mars will heavily influence this full Moon, although its energy will be softened by the waters of Cancer. It does bring some fire, though, to this Moon.

Mars tends to stir up feelings of frustration, especially around purpose and timeline. This energy can make us feel frustrated that our lives aren’t evolving as quickly as we would like. It can make us feel impatient and even regretful that we didn’t choose another path that may have led to speedier results.

Mars also motivates us. It helps us approach new situations with courage and the willingness to overcome obstacles. It also helps us handle the pressure that arises when we decide to create a new existence for ourselves. Mars helps you break through the challenges of designing a life that feels aligned with your soul and find new solutions. What initially feels frustrating can lead to your greatest revelations about yourself and your journey.

As you work with the energy of Mars, notice what is coming up for you. Squares tend to highlight tension and energy in our lives. They show us where things are not clicking. When you find your purpose and embody it, life flows. Yes, there will be challenging days and emotions to confront, but overall you’ll feel congruent with your life.

Let this square illuminate where you are forcing yourself. Often, we want something so badly we try to “make it happen.” By forcing it, we actually push it away from us. The universe doesn’t respond well to demands or desperation. Notice if you are overly controlling a situation and then ask yourself how you can support yourself in stepping back rather than grasping.

The Moon is also conjunct Chiron, the comet whose energy helps us heal. Chrion helps us reframe our pain and turn it into our power. Its influence during the full Moon in Aries may bring up painful experiences you thought were behind you. Memories and emotions may feel like they come out of nowhere and take you back to the past. If you experience any of these flashbacks, know they bring an opportunity.

Instead of seeing these emotions and past events as something to avoid or get over, approach them as powerful examples of your strength, resilience, and ability to overcome challenges. See the lessons and the growth that came out of these events and reframe them to find your power. When you trust yourself, you find your resilience and no longer need to fear failure or even heartache. You know that you can always find the strength to persevere.

The Sun and Moon also work with Jupiter in Gemini. The Sun trines the giant planet and the Moon forms a beneficial sextile. Jupiter expands us. It shows us our potential and encourages us to reach for it. It helps you see the bigger picture of your life and purpose. Ask if you are holding yourself back out of fear or mistrust in your path. Also notice if you are blocking your potential by overly controlling outcomes. Let go a little this full Moon.

Your Invitation

Give yourself space away from the partnerships you’ve been working on for the last several weeks and focus on you during the full Moon in Aries. What do you want? What does your soul want?

Then let go and trust you are exactly where you need to be for your ultimate expansion and greatest potential. Allow things to fall into place. Let your life unfold while focusing your attention on what matters most. When you align your energy with what’s you value, you begin to effortlessly attract what you need. Focus on your greatest potential in this life and trust that it will unfold.

Learn more about the full Moon in Aries, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Aries Full Moon Workbook, from which the above is excerpted. Also, get ready for Scorpio Season with the free 5-day Shadow Work Challenge.


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