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Welcome to Sagittarius season, where reaching for your dreams and desires is normal, especially if they take you beyond what you believe is possible for yourself. As the Sun shifts through this Jupiter-ruled fire sign, you are invited to think big and live even bigger by broadening your perspectives, exploring unexpected experiences, and seeking meaning through purpose.
When is Sagittarius Season?
Sagittarius season begins November 21, 2024, and continues until December 21, 2024.
What Can Sagittarius Season Teach You?
The shift from Scorpio season to Sagittarius season takes us from the depths of transformation to expansion and adventure. Scorpio took us beneath the surface and into the mysteries, meeting deep transformation and rebirth. Sagittarius brings us back up to the surface, reborn and filled with passion, enthusiasm, and a sense of adventure.
We are shifting from the emotions of water to the passions of fire, from an inward focus to an outward awareness. It is in Sagittarius that our quest for meaning begins. Where did we come from? What is life? Is there an inherent meaning to existence or do I create my own? Is there something larger and wider holding and leading me or is it all up to me? Consider whether these kinds of questions can be answered objectively or if they are doorways to expand your perspective, indulge your curiosity, and broaden the lens through which you move through life.
This time invites us to step back from the minutiae of life to ponder the larger questions. To stand upon the highest of peaks so that we may see from all vantage points. It is an archetype that philosophizes, discusses, questions, and seeks. But not only through the mind. There is an innate understanding by this sign of the zodiac that knowledge doesn’t necessarily equate to wisdom. Rather, wisdom comes from lived experience.
Sagittarius is a sign that invites us to learn but not just through textbooks, classes, and teachers. Although these learning experiences are worthwhile, Sagittarius also invites us to live so fully that each moment is overflowing with the potential for growth, meaning, and becoming. It guides us into experiences that take us beyond what we already know, whether through travel, interactions with others, religious or spiritual experiences outside our realm of understanding, or simply anything that sits outside our current narrative of the world.
Sagittarius inherently knows that life is vast. It is through journeying where we are guided that we meet not only more of who we are but more of life, too. It is here that we are shown meaning and given answers to larger questions. We are offered doorways into something larger than ourselves—an energy, intelligence, or knowing that seems to hold us throughout it all, singing songs of purpose and guiding us in synchronistic directions.
The sign of Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which is the planet of expansion, hope, abundance, intellect, and wisdom. Both Sagittarius and Jupiter are concerned with looking toward the future. From the peak, we are reminded that anything is possible and that great magic awaits ahead. Beyond the stories, beyond the doubt, beyond the limitation of our minds, there exists great potential.
What Sagittarius Season Means for You
Here we are invited to hope again. It’s an opportunity to rewrite the narrative. To believe in ourselves, believe in the support and guidance of all of life, and say yes to the visions that call our name. With Sagittarius’s emphasis on experience, the season is about taking steps forward, stumbling, living, feeling, falling, and getting up. It is through this experience that we learn, become wiser, and seem to find ourselves experiencing the life we’d imagined.
As the Sun dances through Sagittarius, it also highlights and moves through the area of your natal or birth chart that Sagittarius influences. Everyone has some aspect of this archetype within them. This season, it is your unique expression of Sagittarius that is highlighted. By looking to your rising sign, you are shown the astrological house that is illuminated, and therefore the themes that desire to surface for you.

Aries Rising
As your inner fire meets the fire of Sagittarius season, it ensures a passionate month ahead. Sagittarius season supports your fiery enthusiasm with its long-term visioning. There is an invitation to leap into your desires, dreams, and visions, in true Aries style, but by keeping your focus on the larger picture. Expand your vision and what you believe to be possible, both for who you are and what is available to you in the world. It offers you new perspectives and broader vantage points that will support you on your journey, and asks you to reflect on the meanings and belief systems that drive these desires of yours.

Taurus Rising
As the Sun dances through Sagittarius, it draws you into the unseen. It invites you to look within and ponder meanings. It asks you to observe your inner narratives, perspectives, and patternings and how they seem to shape the world within and around you. And it asks you to reflect on your relationship with intimacy and how your closest relationships feel in your body, your emotions, and your ideas of what they should be.
It’s a season of inner exploration, traversing the terrain of the many worlds, layers, and complexities that live within, as if you were traveling the many countries, cultures, and philosophies of this Earth. There is something new, unseen, expansive, transformative, and unknown for you to explore in each direction.

Gemini Rising
It’s the season of your opposite sign. Here you are offered a glimpse of a perspective that comes from a seemingly opposite place. Things look different over here as a reminder that reality may not be as objective as you had thought.
This season invites you to expand your perspectives, to see from and through the eyes of another, and observe new ways of thinking, being, and living. That includes you experiencing a more social version of yourself, where conversations, interactions, and collaborations allow the experience of hope, pleasure, and anticipation to filter through. It invites conversations that expand your mind and connections that feed your heart. And it invites interactions that fuel your dreams and expand your vision even wider, connecting you more closely to the direction and path that is calling your name.

Cancer Rising
What ignites hope from within you? What allows you to be willing and open to desire new realities for yourself? Does this requires you to feel safe enough to believe once again?
Sagittarius season brings expansion through your everyday behaviors, including the rituals that support yourself and the small steps toward self-care that create the whole. And it is through stepping back, figuratively or literally, and taking yourself to a higher perspective that you can see the big picture. This is the inspiration, the fuel, and the meaning that directs your everyday action. It is what inspires and nurtures each step taken and each habit intentionally created. Come to this place and remind yourself of it everyday, whether though visualization, meditation, writing, drawing, actual hiking, or some other means. Let your vision be your medicine and your inspiration.

Leo Rising
This season invites you to sink into the comforts of exactly who you are. To shine. To play. To create. To express the magnetism, beauty, and wonder of who you are. It invites you to tap into your inner fire and passion and pour that into your creations, whatever they may be. And it invites you to playfully explore different philosophies and cosmologies and explore how they seem to shape and feed both your sense of self and your artistic expressions. By expanding your mind through looking to different cultures, eras, belief systems, mediums of art, and alternate paths taken by others, you will simultaneously be fueling your own vitality, inspiration, creativity, and sense of belonging in the world.

Virgo Rising
For some, inspiration and expansion seem to come from being out in the world. For others, it is found by sinking into whatever feels most like home, tending to one’s everyday routines, and building a sense of structure, safety, and belonging. During Sagittarius season, your most profound pleasures, dreams, and sense of meaning come from the latter. From tending to your home and home life as if it were an extension of you and your inner world. From creating your home and home life as if it could hold and support you in every way needed. From feeling into the sense of expansion and freedom found within belonging, family, and a comfortable and safe space that is ours to sink into.
This season, your way to inspiration, nourishment, dreams, and hope is available from within. Tending to the core and foundation of who you are seems to widen the possibilities that present themselves to you.

Libra Rising
It’s all about the mind this season. There is an invitation to play in the mind, explore in the mind, feed the mind, break down the limitations of the mind, and expand the mind. Sagittarius season invites new threads of curiosity that, when journeyed with, have the potential to alter the framework through which you experience life.
Books, conversations, classes, and teachers will all be a source of medicine, inspiration, and absolute joy and vitality for you this season. The mind is your playground. So are information, knowledge, ideas, perspectives, and wisdom. Allow them to fill you and bring you the experience of completeness.

Scorpio Rising
A feeling of freedom is a necessity. A feeling of meaning is a necessity. How do these two states of being feel in your body? What steps and movements and ideas do they inspire? And what value do they hold in your life?
Freedom and meaning are doorways into a sense of security, safety, inspiration, dreaming, and belonging. They are the doorways into reaching deeper into your body and landing further on the earth. To calming the nervous system. To tending to your felt sense of value and inner and outer worth.
Sagittarius season invites you to be in your body. To tend to your felt experience. Because as you tend to yourself, you tend to your sense of freedom, meaning, belonging, passion, security, financial abundance, and inspiration. As you tend to yourself, you open your capacity for visioning and hoping—the very things that will take you closer to your dreams.

Sagittarius Rising
As the Sun shifts through your first house of self, it is as if the vitality, life force, and light of the Sun can reach deeper into you. It’s as if the rays of the Sun, shone through the frequency of Sagittarius, have more of an opportunity to nourish, activate, and feed you. That is exactly what this season offers you.
It offers an expansion of the self and a reignition of your passions. It offers play and a sense of freedom, desires and the fuel to leap into them. And it reminds you of something vaster than the self, guiding the way, supporting your every step, and filling you with fulfillment as you say yes to yourself and to your path.

Capricorn Rising
Through reaching for the divine, whatever that may mean, you are offered the source of all wisdom. It is through having your own felt experience of the mystical, the unseen, and the realms about which others philosophize that you can reach into true meaning, wisdom, belonging, joy, and inspiration.
An Earth sign, there is a practicality to your energy. An appreciation and understanding of the tangible. Yet this season, you may just find yourself receiving all that you desire within the intangible. Explore what spirituality means to you, and how it shapes what life means to you. Allow the sacred in each moment to bring you into undiscovered corners of yourself and your existence, as if new cultures and cosmologies await within you. Inquire what exists beyond your five senses and to let that hold you for a moment. And reach into your own truest source of inspiration, which is the energy, meaning, and connection that fuels your every step and challenge undertaken.

Aquarius Rising
What is reality? Is it the structures that hold up the collective or the narratives that bring communities together? The structures that only seem to change over time, collapsing and rebuilding? The narratives that seem to differ when we shift from community to community, culture to culture, belief system to belief system? What, then, is real to you? What matters to you? What is your meaning beneath these many shifting and changing building blocks that we find ourselves living within?
This season invites you to lean into what is real to you, what matters to you, and the meaning that seems to sit at the core of it all uniquely for you. And it invites you to bring your answers into everything—your perspectives of the world, your desires, your beliefs of what is possible and the way you interact with others. It invites you to find your own space of belonging within these answers, for your own belonging, and your own way to see the world, may be the medicine needed for everyone someday.

Pisces Rising
What does legacy mean to you? If you could change the world, create an impact, leave something (tangible or intangible) behind that seems to exist beyond your physical body, what would that be?
This season inspires you to immerse yourself within the meaning that inspires your action. To let this meaning permeate and fuel the legacy you are building. To explore and adventure in the world around you as if it held every whisper of guidance, every moment of clarity, and every space of vitality required for your visions to come to reality. To let fulfillment flow through you.
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This article has been updated. Originally published November 17, 2023.