What March’s Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Virgo Mean for You


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The upcoming total lunar eclipse and full Moon in Virgo create space to help you recognize and let go of what no longer serves you while reminding you of your soul’s wisdom. Lunar eclipses are an invitation to release what’s been holding you back from your potential while full Moons illuminate what has previously remained in the shadows. This upcoming eclipse brings profound opportunities for change, often arriving in unexpected ways.

When is the Full Moon in Virgo?

The upcoming lunar eclipse takes place during the full Moon in Virgo on March 13 or 14, 2025, depending on your location.

What the Lunar Eclipse Means for You

The total lunar eclipse illuminates the south node and full Moon in Virgo as well as the Sun and north node in Pisces. The lunar nodes are where the Moon’s orbit intersects the Sun’s apparent path, or ecliptic. They reveal the soul’s path of evolution. The south node shows what you’re ready to release, while the north node guides you toward your highest potential.

(Illustration: Getty Images)

With the south node and full Moon in Virgo, the total lunar eclipse asks you to let go of perfectionism, overthinking, and the need to control outcomes and supports you in releasing old patterns of self-criticism and a belief that you must earn your worth. Also, the north node in Pisces points toward embracing flow, unconditional self-love, and trust in the universe’s plan.

This lunar eclipse creates a powerful window to detach from energies, emotions, and connections that don’t align with your highest vision. These changes might seem daunting at first, but you’ll feel an incredible lightness of being after you surrender. Open yourself to the wisdom being shared and trust that the universe is orchestrating everything for your evolution.

The shifts sparked during this time may seem to begin around the eclipse, but the magic continues to work throughout the time eclipses occur in these signs. What surfaces now might connect back to what was initiated last fall during the Pisces lunar eclipse and could continue evolving through the coming fall and the Pisces lunar eclipse or the Virgo solar eclipse, creating a through line of transformation. When we work with eclipse energy, the changes unfold with universal timing.

During this time, you might discover truths about yourself or others that completely shift your perspective. Remember that every revelation, even those that initially feel challenging, carries a gift of alignment with your highest good.

This powerful total lunar eclipse brings us water and earth energy with the full Moon and south node in grounding Virgo and the Sun and north node in mystical Pisces. When earth meets water, we create sacred mud that both cleanses and nourishes our spirit. Let it wash away your fears.

What the Full Moon in Virgo + Sun in Pisces Mean for You

Virgo and Pisces fall on opposite ends of the same axis in the zodiac. As such, they represent different pathways to spirituality, healing, and service. Virgo creates structure and form whereas Pisces flows formless and boundless. Virgo grounds us in earthly wisdom whereas Pisces dissolves boundaries and connects us to universal consciousness. As these placements dance together during the eclipse, they reveal both shadow and light.

Zodiac wheel featuring all 12 astrological signs including the axis along which opposite signs and modalities fall
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

With the north node in Pisces aligning with the Sun, we’re called to embrace trust, surrender, and spiritual connection. This alignment illuminates our way forward and requires releasing the need to control every outcome and instead flowing with divine timing. The north node in this placement teaches us that our greatest power comes through surrender to something greater than ourselves.

During a full Moon, the shadow side of each sign involved is illuminated. We can see more clearly these energies within us and in our behavior. We can then consciously release these or shift them toward the higher vibrations of each sign. As with any release or change, awareness is the first step.

The south node joining the full Moon in Virgo points to what must be released, including perfectionism, overanalysis, and the belief that we must earn our worth. This placement asks us to examine where we’ve become overly critical, where we’ve let anxiety override intuition, and where we’ve chosen control over trust.

Virgo amplifies our fear of mistakes and patterns of self-criticism that keep souls playing small. The full Moon supports this release, helping you access the highest vibrations of Virgo while shedding its shadow side.

Virgo also embodies the energy of the Goddess—complete and perfect within herself. This full Moon reminds us that each soul carries unique gifts meant to be shared with the world. These talents do not wait for external validation or perfect conditions. What they require is only your recognition of them and knowledge that your inherent worth has always existed.

The lunar eclipse and full Moon in Virgo also help us release fear, especially over making mistakes. Such fear often creates paralysis, preventing forward movement toward our dreams and visions. Yet mistakes serve as teachers, offering wisdom that can only be gained through experience. Some lessons require taking ourselves through perceived missteps for the soul’s evolution. These moments that feel like failures in real-time often contain the most life-changing teachings.

Over this lunar eclipse and full Moon in Virgo, notice where you are placing too much emphasis on your past mistakes and, as a result, holding yourself back from your future. This moment in time holds an element of forgiveness, which can be the most challenging form of release. Forgive yourself for things you did in the past and detach from them so you can move forward instead of looking backward.

Virgo’s highest expression is service through sharing our unique gifts. This begins with understanding our profound connection to each other and the universe. Ask yourself what you’re here to contribute. Then notice whether you are giving it freely or if a belief in your unworthiness is holding you back.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Virgo along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

We often deprive others of our gifts because we let ourselves become caught up in making them perfect. We might struggle with imposter syndrome, thinking we need more credentials or training before we can share our wisdom. It’s time to shift from lack, which whispers “not enough,” to abundance, which knows you are complete as you are.

Self-worth also forms the foundation of manifestation. This eclipse invites you to release any beliefs that say you need to do more, be more, or achieve more to deserve the life you desire. Step into your power knowing that your worth is innate—it cannot be earned because it has always been there.

The low, or shadow, side of Pisces includes escapism, addiction, and codependency. These conditions stem from the lack of boundaries between Pisces and the outside world, causing too many emotions. When we align with this side of Pisces, we take on external energies. We become unaware of which emotions are our own and which ones belong to someone else. We then seek behaviors that help us drown out all the feelings, so we do not have to sort through them. This escapism shows up as unconscious eating, binging television shows, drug and alcohol use, along with other activities that enable us to disconnect from the experience of life.

The other side of this escapism is getting lost in empathy and feeling everything to the point of losing touch with ourselves. We can no longer separate our feelings from someone else’s. This is the shadow side of empathy.

If you notice these behaviors, ask what they tell you about your unconscious. What needs to shift so you can experience emotional reactions to your life while understanding which feelings are yours and which belong to others? Where do you need more emotional or energetic boundaries?

When we align with this energy, we place pressure on ourselves to know everything at all times and not ask for help. We may procrastinate from fear of failure or always have to do everything ourselves. We expect ourselves to be experts in every field and have control of everything all the time.

In this frequency, we suffer from anxiety over inconsequential mistakes and we needlessly go over and over details. We also focus too much on time. We never feel we have enough of it and waste time worrying about it.

We also may feel that when the world praises us or tells us we are worthy, it’s unwarranted. We may feel that we do not deserve praise or recognition for our work. We may also forget to celebrate our successes, feeling we don’t deserve them or that they are not big enough. Even when others want to celebrate our wins, we don’t allow it. This may cause us not fully to receive compliments. In the low side of Virgo, we can feel like an imposter in our own life.

A line drawing of the glyph for Pisces, the water sign and last sign of the zodiac and the astrological year.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

When we release and shift these lower vibrations, we align with the highest expression of Virgo and Pisces. Here, Pisces’ boundless compassion meets Virgo’s discerning wisdom. We learn to trust our intuition while staying grounded in practical reality. We understand that structure and routine can support our spiritual evolution and that trust and surrender can coexist with conscious action.

As the Moon grows full in Virgo’s earth and the Sun and North Node illuminate Pisces’ waters, remember that you are both stardust and soil, both infinite and beautifully finite. Your path forward requires neither perfect control nor complete surrender, but rather a sacred dance between the two.

Other Astrological Influences on the Full Moon in Virgo

This eclipse brings together ideal conditions for transformation. Most heavily influenced by Saturn and Uranus, there are other planetary aspects that support change and revelation.

Uranus, the cosmic awakener, forms harmonious aspects with both the Sun and Moon on this lunar eclipse. These formations, which take the shape of a trine to the Moon in Virgo and a sextile to the Sun in Pisces, help break through old patterns of unworthiness and perfectionism.

The planet’s revolutionary potential specializes in disrupting comfort zones, revealing how what once felt safe may keep you from growth. Expect insights related to how self-criticism and fear have been holding you back and where you may be relying on these to feel safe. It’s time to leap into the unknown.

Also, Saturn in Pisces forms a conjunction with the Sun while opposing the Moon. Saturn builds foundations. During the lunar eclipse, it helps establish new ground rules built on self-trust rather than self-doubt. The opposition to the Moon brings attention to where you need to release old commitments to perfectionism and fear.

Saturn also forms a sextile to Uranus, supporting lasting transformation. While Uranus breaks through old patterns, Saturn helps integrate these changes into sustainable new ways of being. Together, they create balance between revolution and stability. This allows you to make bold shifts while staying anchored through your commitments to yourself.

Mercury, ruling Virgo and this lunar eclipse, stations retrograde the following day. This adds a layer of inner reflection to the eclipse portal. Mercury asks you to review your internal dialogue. Notice the stories you tell yourself about your worth, your capabilities, and your place in the world. This retrograde supports rewriting these narratives from a place of truth, not habit.

The gathering of placements in Pisces—including the Sun, Saturn, and north node—amplifies the spiritual nature of this eclipse. This reminds you that worth comes from being, not doing. They show that authenticity, and not perfection, is not the goal. Trust that this cosmic configuration supports your evolution, even if the path forward looks different than expected.

Black and white typewriter quote
(Illustration: Unknown)

Your Invitation on the Full Moon in Virgo

During a lunar eclipse, the cosmos creates space for you to move beyond stagnant situations and limiting beliefs. This time also breaks down the walls between you and your desires. This forward motion can feel intense for the nervous system, although know that there’s no going backward. The only movement is forward.

These breakthroughs might come with an emotional release. Give yourself permission to feel everything fully and take time to process what’s being revealed. You’re exactly where you need to be, and every release makes space for more magic to enter your life. You’re ready for this shift.

The full Moon in Virgo can also make you feel on edge or rattled. This nervousness is one of Virgo’s low sides and can stir up thoughts about your decisions. It can also makes you want to cling to the familiar and not go with the flow, blocking your ability to surrender. But if you find yourself holding onto what no longer serves your growth, you’ll feel tension between where you are and where your soul knows you need to be.

Practicing meditation and simple breathwork on the day before and the day of the full Moon can help downregulate your nervous system so you can remain calm and able to confront whatever comes into the light.

Begin by sitting quietly with any parts of yourself that feel unlovable. Notice where your conscious mind whispers that you are not good enough, unworthy, or lacking. Know that having imperfections is part of being human. Your mistakes and imperfections do not make you unworthy. They make you relatable and real. The key is accepting yourself and life exactly as they are.

As you begin sharing your vision, grace enters. It teaches you to accept what’s beyond your control without feeling responsible for knowing everything.

Remember, this lunar eclipse isn’t about forcing change. It’s about allowing your essence to emerge through acceptance. Let the south node in Virgo release what no longer serves as the north node in Pisces takes you to your highest truth.

Your emotional wisdom speaks loudly now. Trust the messages of your soul, even if your logical mind wants to resist them. Your work is breaking down the barriers that prevent you from receiving what is already yours. Let this eclipse wash away what stands between you and your highest expression. Release the need to be perfect. Release the fear of being too much or not enough. Step into the knowing that you are exactly what the world needs—a divine being having a human experience and learning to trust the unfolding while staying grounded in your truth.

This eclipse teaches the delicate balance of action and surrender. This is soul medicine time. Trust that whatever releases now creates space for greater alignment. Trust that your worthiness is inherent, not earned. Trust that the universe supports your evolution in ways your human mind may never fully comprehend. You are ready. You are worthy.

Learn more about the full Moon in Virgo and lunar eclipse, including additional astrological insights and journaling prompts, in the Virgo Lunar Eclipse workbook, from which the above is excerpted. You can also learn how to release perfectionism and experience clarity, confidence, and calm, one moment at a time, with the Moment app.


Learn More About Astrology’s Affect on You

You can better understand the influence of the Moon and planets on your everyday life, including your weekly horoscope, when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.

You can also learn how to cultivate a more nuanced understanding of these sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so-subtle, forces of the Moon, Sun, and planets with our repertoire of articles:

Your Weekly Horoscope, March 2-8, 2025: Expressing Your Truest Self 
What Your Sun Sign Says (And Doesn’t Say) About You
How the Moon Influences Your Moods
These Are the Planets Currently in Retrograde


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