WHAT IS AGING YOUR LIPS? 3 anti-aging face exercises to lift downturned lips/Blush with me face yoga


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Wrinkles are not the only signs of aging. Droopy Down town lips lip, deflating upper lip that becomes thinner as you age and sagging lower lip pull your whole face down making you look old. Face yoga exercises and face massage techniques for lips are extremely effective in Anti-aging your lips, making them appear fuller, boosting collagen in lips, Strengthening your lip muscles, improving blood circulation and reducing wrinkles from lips and whole mouth area espl the corners of your mouth. This video has 3 amazing lip exercise as well as a bunch of lifestyle mistakes that cause lips to age faster and elongate your philtrum I.e. the area above your lips. Exercises are not a quick fix for lip lines or smokers lines but definitely have lasting results on making your lips more plump and decreasing your philtrum.

💝Face symmetry facial exercise package link

💝Here’s the link to my eye exercise package

💝Lip Rejuvination face exercises package.

(The digital Face yoga packages are non refundable)

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  1. Hi, i am sooooo happy i came across your videos! I am 50yrs old and i have noticed my mouth looks like i have a permanent sad face! and i hate it! I was looking for some exercises to try before i went down the filler route. Can i please ask on the 3rd exercise do you resist ONLY when bringing the mouth inwards to form the O shape or can you use a bit of resistance when opening the mouth or getting back in the starting position? Thank you again for your tips and now im off to view your other videos! ❤👄

  2. I’ve been doing these exercises for only two days and had to come back and comment. I literally am blown away by the results ALREADY. I could tell a noticeable difference after doing just one of these lip exercises for the first time I was like oh wow! For those saying she talks to much either just skip to the exercise or listen while doing the exercise (it’ll go by faster lol) but the information you give is VITAL thanks so much! I can’t wait to see my 30 day results ❤❤❤

  3. I have no tried these yet but it makes sense! But also I think it’s also important to understand how muscle building works. Healthy eating, protein, whole body weight listing that’s when your body will respond. It’s hard to build one muscle, ignoring your whole body and diet, caloric surplus or deficit, timing and amount is very important.


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