What Do Your Aura Colors Mean? Here’s What to Know.


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With 2024’s introduction of aura points on TikTok, a new generation was introduced to the power of the energy you emit—and the ways that your inner world affects your outer one. Spiritually speaking, your aura is an element of your energetic body that takes the form of a halo of color (or colors) representative of your emotional world. But what do aura colors actually mean? Who can see them? And how in the world can you take a picture of one?

“The visual of the aura is like a door to seeing what lies deeper beneath the surface of a person’s individual energy signature,” says aura reader and author Mystic Michaela. Michaela posits that children can more easily see auras—and that you can train yourself to, too.

Seeing and Reading Auras

Whereas vibes may be the most viral of energetic concepts, auras are the most vibrant embodiment. Though Michaela has been able to see auras for her entire life, she didn’t fully appreciate the purpose until she began teaching Spanish to middle schoolers.

“I quickly noticed that different aura colors would learn the language differently, and I could differentiate instruction based on their aura colors,” she says. “This then evolved to understanding energy as a whole, and how the aura really is the energy signature everyone uniquely carries throughout their life.”

By looking at an aura and sharing what she sees, Michaela is able to assist in an individual’s own ability to self-connect. “This can help them make choices and decisions based on their authentic selves rather than what they feel they should do or who they should be,” she says.

Michaela insists that the ability to see auras is a gift that we can all access with some training of our third eye, or intuition. “It’s a strong force in children, and we see them use it all the time in play, their imaginations and artistry,” she says. Practices like meditation and yoga can help you tap into this sort of sight—but your own energy is essential.

“It may begin with even feeling a color without seeing one,” says Michaela. “Asking yourself, ‘What color does this person remind me of?’ is a fun and useful way to nudge that third eye into action! Create wonder around it and trust what you see to strengthen the ability.”

What About Aura Photography?

You may have come to know auras through the dreamy, ethereal realm of aura photography.

“Think of it like an interactive filter, but instead of bunny ears or flower crowns, you get the colors of your energy,” says photographer Christina Lonsdale (aka Radiant Human), author of Radiant Human: Discover the Connection Between Color, Identity, and Energy.


(Photos: Courtesy of Radiant Human)

Lonsdale uses a camera featuring two hand sensors to create her signature imagery. With the help of biofeedback and a proprietary algorithm, Lonsdale’s camera matches the wavelength of the subject’s electromagnetic field to the wavelength of a color.

“The camera itself, a modified Polaroid, takes a photo of the subject and overlays the color as a second exposure on top of the image,” she says. “Once the photo is ready, we discuss what the colors mean—and that’s where it gets really fascinating.”

Lonsdale notes that many subjects come to her during pivotal times in their lives—during a breakup, while processing grief, turning over a new leaf—desiring a depiction of the accompanying energy. “Aura photography really depends on the person and what they bring to the experience,” she says.

“What I find most compelling is how these colors and hues interact with one another, illustrating the complexities of the human experience,” says Lonsdale. Another intriguing factor? The collective way in which we experience and understand the meaning of color. “I’ve taken more than 46,000 images and observed incredible consistencies in how people identify with the colors that appear in their photos.”

7 Aura Colors and Their Meanings

While the meaning behind the colors of your aura are often best defined by you—with readings ranging based on exact shade, comingling of colors, and more—context is always helpful. Following areMichaela’s interpretation of some primary aura hues, along with qualities commonly attributed to each.

1. Red

“Direct, assertive, and take-charge-type leaders who have good natural instincts about others.”

Red auras are often associated with passion and confidence. The color is tied to the root chakra and thus the earth element.

2. Orange

“Focused and energetic people who enjoy inspiring others by way of taking the most innovative road wherever they go.”

Orange comes with creativity and vitality. The color is associated with the sacral chakra, which deals in sensuality, flexibility, and fun.

3. Yellow

“Organized and curious multitaskers who seek constant self-improvement and love direct honest communication.”

A yellow aura can denote optimism and ease. The color is associated with the solar plexus, or navel chakra, which is linked to sense of self and personal identity.

4. Green

“Logical and intellectual detail-oriented thinkers who crave passionate projects which promote challenging self growth.”

Green auras are thought to denote growth, along with healing and nurturing.

5. Blue

“Naturally empathic and sensitive people who are compassionate and thoughtful givers.”

Peace and sensitivity are qualities also associated with blue, along with clarity and tranquility.

6. Purple

“Creative, intuitive rebels who crave change and artistic outlets.”

Purple is among the most spiritually charged hues, associated with intuition, empathy, and the crown chakra.

7. Pink

“Pure and loving innocent energies who tend to be brilliant manifestors and hopeless romantics.”

Pink denotes a whole lot of love. Auras tinged and pink (which aligns with the heart chakra) tend to be associated with idealism and kindness.


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