What Aries Season 2025 Means for You, According to Your Sign


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Welcome to Aries season 2025. As the Sun transits the first sign of the zodiac, the astrological year begins anew once again. It’s a new chapter, one that’s defined by fire, passion and motivation.

When is the Beginning of Aries Season 2025?

Although the calendar year begins on January 1, astrology moves according to its own cycles. These are dictated by the movement of the Sun through each of the constellations and signs of the zodiac. After completing a cycle, the astrological year begins once again as the Sun transits into Aries on March 20, 2025, at 2:02 am PST. The Sun will remain in the fire sign through April 19, 2025, when it transitions into Taurus.

What Are Aries’ Characteristics and Personality?

Each time the Sun enters a different sign, it invites different aspects of yourself to surface. Aries is the inner flame that connects you to your truest desires. Aries sees to it that you do not stand still but rather continue to create who you are. It ensures that you take the risk, face the fear, and muster the courage to live your life with as much truth, passion, creativity, presence, and adventure as possible.

What Aries Season 2025 Means for You

The end of the astrological year falls at the end of Pisces season. A water sign, Pisces encourages you to merge into oneness with all of existence. Pisces season is a time of surrender, release, and letting go, whereas Aries season is where you courageously emerge as an individual. As the astrological year begins, there is a shift from water to fire, from ending to beginning, from winter to spring.

Allow yourself to find the courage to claim the new you that is emerging. Celebrate who you have become since March of last year and let this time remind you not only of how far you have come but of your strength.

As the Sun transits through Aries, it highlights the parts of your birth chart that are influenced by Aries. By looking to your rising sign, you are shown the astrological house that Aries resides within and, therefore, the area of life being activated and bringing to the forefront for you during the next month. Here’s what you can expect from Aries season 2025.

(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Aries Rising

Aries Rising, and it is here that it begins again in perhaps one of the most important astrology houses, the first house of self. If there is anyone ready and in tune with this new beginning, it is you. This season is a rebirth of yourself, your individuality, your identity, your dreams. It is a new chapter of your life. It invites inspiration to reach you on the daily and asks you to be open to the ideas, changes, and possibilities presenting themself to you. Allow yourself to ponder on what the year ahead is inviting of you, based on what feels exciting and ‘right’, and what ignites courage and life force from within your body and spirit. The themes that come up in Aries season will shape, imbue, and direct the year ahead.

(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Taurus Rising

This season highlights a divine paradox, Taurus rising. It is through surrender that you are reborn, through relinquishing control that you begin again, and through letting go to something beyond yourself that you find your courage. The onset of Aries season is the January 1st of the cosmos speaking to new beginnings, although it also holds space for closure and reflection as it is the final season before yours—Taurus season.

Aries season invites reflection on the last year of you. Allow your mind to take you back to March and April 2023. What has your journey been since then? How have you changed, evolved, and shifted? Where have you found new aspects of yourself? Why have you gained courage and wisdom? What in your life has changed that is soon coming to an end? Who have you become? Allow this season to be filled with loving spaces of pride and gratitude for who you are in the moment. Allow this season to be filled with awareness and appreciation that you are who you are and you are where you are at this moment in time.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Gemini along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Gemini Rising

Aries season is a time of big-picture awareness, Gemini rising. It’s a season that highlights community, friendships, and the truth that as you follow your inspiration and claim your desires, you feed into the collective. Your growth that offers support, wisdom, and joy into the lives of others. Your actions that build not only your life, but the collective body from which we are all a part. As you strengthen and say yes to yourself, you strengthen and say yes to us all.

Allow big picture visioning, ideas, inspirations, and possibilities to find their way into your awareness this season, Gemini rising. And as they do, allow the fires of Aries to build in your body, inviting the passion, the excitement, and the life force energy to be your fuel as you begin this new chapter in bringing these visions to fruition.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Cancer along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Cancer Rising

Aries season brings a focus on the long-term direction of your life. Your career, your aspirations, and the impact you want to leave behind. There is an invitation to explore discipline along with passion, new ideas in collaboration with long-term building and devotion.

When you think about who you want to be in the world, what do you envision, Cancer rising? When you think about your legacy, what do you want to leave? As the Sun takes influence from Aries, it imparts inspiration, passion, and life force. It invokes desires from within that stretch us. When you say yes to those desires, you step into a new season of who you are.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Leo along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Leo Rising

Leo rising in Aries season is a fiery zodiac in a fiery season. It invites a courageous reclaiming of the self, a passionate expression of who you are and a dramatic new way in which you create yourself in the world. Although the Sun isn’t found in your sign, there are elements of home for you here.

Aries season holds an expansive energy for Leo. Expect an expansion of the beliefs that shape your experience of this world and, by extension, an expansion of your perspectives. There is untold wisdom, truth, and meaning related to the mysterious thing called life. This season invites you to take a step back and allow life to show you what you are ready to see.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Virgo along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Virgo Rising

What does courage mean to you, Virgo rising? Franklin D. Roosevelt shared the words, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” Aries season reminds you that your passions are more important than fear. Your happiness is more important than fear. Your sense of purpose and the life that calls your name is more important than fear. You are more important than fear.

At the outset of the astrological year, Aries invites you to become acquainted with your own strength and courage and aware of your psyche and emotions. So much life becomes available when you surrender to your depths. It is here that reclamation of yourself and your life awaits.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Libra along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Libra Rising

Aries season invites a change in the ways you come together with others, whether in friendship, romance, or creative collaborations. It highlights the truth that within each of your partnerships, an essential ingredient is your magic.

What would it feel like to pour more into yourself, Libra rising? To direct more of your energy into your own desires? How would it shift, empower, and transform the way in which you come into relationship with another? How would being more of you change the beauty available within a relationship?

(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Scorpio Rising

How would you design your days if each one was a blank slate, Scorpio rising? If your movements were the building blocks for the life you are creating, what would you do differently? What habits would you release? What new ones would take their place? What would take priority?

Aries season is that blank slate. It’s a new beginning inviting bold ownership of the person you are building and life you are creating. There’s empowerment to be experienced when you bring intention to the ways in which you move about your days.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Sagittarius along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Sagittarius Rising

Aries season highlights the magic that it is to be you, Sagittarius rising. It regenerates your enthusiasm and willingness to adventure through life as truthfully and boldly as you can. It reminds you of the pleasures and desires that accompany being authentically you.

This season helps you come further into yourself. It brings new appreciation for knowing who you are and new heights to your spark and creativity. It invites you to create a life on the outside that is wildly reflective of who you are on the inside. Remember the magic of expressing the true you.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Capricorn along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Capricorn Rising

The idea of home extends far beyond the four walls around you, Capricorn rising. It is a space of comfort and sacred safety. It is where you can trust and flourish. Where you can love and be loved, nurture and be nurtured, rest and be restored.

Aries season asks the question, are you at home in yourself? That is, within the sacred bounds of your body, the sparking neurons of your mind, the memories and yearnings of your heart, the desires and expressions of your soul? This time brings security to the foundation of who you are and who you are becoming. Allow change from within this season, Capricorn rising. Let the roots of yourself nurture the rest of your life.

A line drawing of the astrological sign of Aquarius along with its glyph and its constellation.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Aquarius Rising

It’s a season of new ideas, Aquarius rising. New ways of thinking, learning, communicating. New ways of neurons firing and neural pathways connecting. Aries season means opening your mind and being reminded of the vast wisdom, information, and knowledge floating through all of existence and being excited about  getting your hands on it.

Observe the inspirations that meet you, the new ideas that present themselves to you, and the interests and topics that excite you. Allow what you learn to change you, inspire you, enliven you. Allow what you learn and what you know to ignite new enthusiasm for life and a new chapter of purpose and meaning. What presents itself to you this season will continue to inspire you throughout the astrological year.

A line drawing of the glyph for Pisces, the water sign and last sign of the zodiac and the astrological year.
(Illustration: Veronika Oliinyk | Getty)

Pisces Rising

Aries season is a time claim your worth, Pisces rising. To feel the depth and breadth of the value, wonder, and beauty that is you. To feel it in your body and your emotions. To let it breathe new life into your old scripts about what you are worthy of in your one life. Aries season invites you to find the courage to build a foundation for yourself that is nourishing, secure, and safe. It wants you to feel supported to reach for the life you want and inspire the world around you as you do so.

It’s time to fall more in love with the wild ride that is your life. What foundations are required to create your dreams? Is it deepened self-worth? Is it the nurturing of a skill, service, or talent? Is it money? A new work relationship dynamic? Aries season offers an influx of energy and invites you to choose, ever so consciously, where you channel it.

Learn More About Astrology’s Effect on You

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This article has been updated. Originally published March 17, 2024.


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