Weight Loss Yoga | Part 2- Belly Fat Loss | YogBela


Weight Loss Yoga | Part 2- Lower Body Fat Loss | YogBela

This is a 3 day Fat loss series:

Part-1 Lower Body Fat Loss
Part-2 Belly Fat Loss
Part-3 Arms & Chest Fat Loss

Weight Loss through Diet and Lifestyle:

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Kindly consult your physician and follow all safety instructions. If you are unsure about any practice we recommend you to do it under a professional yoga instructor or physician. If done incorrectly, these practices may cause injury.


  1. I came here after finishing 21 days challenge… Really feeling great ..I always looking at the time when I doing workouts ..But yoga after practicing 21 days and 2nd day in fat loss series I never felt bored or forced ..My concentration completely on stretching and towards the correct posture…Without knowing I lost 3 kgs in these 23 days ..Which was not y primary concern at this time…Before it was the only concern 😊😊😊😊😊 I'm really happy that I found your channel which changed my body and mind ..I never thought I could do these asanas..I never knew my body can be this flexible.. Up course not as yours preeti..Bit I'm happy about my body …Thank you thank you ..O'Neill keep these practices

  2. Everything was amazing about this series until I tried doing it along with you. If this is a weight loss series then how would a fat person like me, do all these complex asanas ???? I tried following you but it’s impossible for me to do many things you tell us to do. Please consider making something that fat people can do….. this is not criticism, just a heartfelt appeal.😊


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