Weekly Horoscope, September 22-28, 2024: Finding Your Balance


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As the Earth comes into balance with the fall equinox early this week, we also begin a new astrological season with Libra bringing that same balance to our inner world. Also, Mercury moves into Libra and brings harmony and peace to our minds and Venus enters Scorpio and furthers our ability to explore the depths of ourselves and our capacity for intimacy. It is a week that takes us from the earth sign of Virgo to the air element of Libra. With that, a new beginning sparks within our mind. Your weekly horoscope helps you integrate these awarenesses into your everyday life.

Weekly Astrology

September 22 | Sun Enters Libra; Venus Enters Scorpio; Moon Enters Gemini
September 25 | Moon Enters Cancer
September 26 | Mercury Enters Libra; Moon Enters Leo

(Illustration: ilbusca | Getty)

Sun Enters Libra

As the Earth shifts through the seasons in her dance with the Sun, we experience the fall equinox on September 22, 2024. A day of equal parts light and night, the autumnal equinox is the embodiment of balance. Hours afterward, the Sun enters Libra, beginning an astrological season that is, much like the equinox, about balance, equality, and harmony.

An air sign, Libra is the essence of adaptability, connection, and fairness. Throughout the coming weeks when it influences the Sun, rationality, communication, thought, and open-mindedness permeate the energy around and within us.

Ruled by Venus, Libra invites us to step back and observe the beauty within our lives, within others, and within the world around us. It’s when we observe through a lens that helps us bring greater balance to our lives. We do this through our perspectives, our inner worlds, our actions, days, and outer realities. We are connecting with others and allowing them to open our perspectives, too, helping us to broaden our mind and observe from another point of view.

If we have been too focused on the outer, we are invited to balance this with the inner. If we have been too focused on work, Libra invites rest and play. If we have been unable to see certain truths in our lives, Libra opens us to them, reminding us of the broader picture and that truth, reality, and life is often found within two, and often more, perspectives coming together. Your weekly horoscope below explains how.

Venus Enters Scorpio

On the same day as the fall equinox and onset of Libra season, Venus dances into a different sign. Shifting from Libra to Scorpio, the planet will transit through a water sign known for depth, transmutation, and mystery until October 7, 2024.

Venus is love, beauty, connection, self-worth, creativity, and receptivity. She exudes magnetism and self-worth and invites us to remember the true pleasure of being in this life. Scorpio delves into the unseen, the energetic, the subconscious, and the depths within our bodies. It is a determined, passionate, and intuitive sign that invites us to explore the unknown terrain within ourselves.

As Venus shifts into Scorpio, we are asked to strip back the layers that keep us from our truth and from intimacy with ourselves, with life, and with our chosen people or person. We are invited to be transformed by the love that sits within us and wants to be felt and expressed. And we are compelled to connect with ourselves, our life, and our chosen person or people in a way that cracks open our hearts and changes us in the process.

Mercury Enters Libra

Whereas Venus brings our hearts and bodies into depth and intimacy, Mercury joins the Sun in Libra on September 26, 2024, inviting our minds to experience that same balance and harmony.

Mercury is our planet of thought and communication. It governs learning, mental processing, organization, and listening. It is the domain of our minds and it shapes what we see, how we see it, and where our thoughts takes us throughout the creation or manifestation process.

As Mercury travels through Libra, it supports greater openness and flexibility in our minds. It opens us to perspectives and sides of the story we may have been previously overlooking. It brings beauty to our minds and helps us observe how we can find a state of balance and equilibrium even with all the moving pieces within and without. And it encourages greater rationality as Libra is less about emotion and more about fairness, objectivity, and considering all sides before making a decision.

This is also a beautiful few weeks for communication and connection with those around us. This sign is here to be opened by those around it, for it knows that life through one person’s experience is but a fraction of the story. It is through observing what can be seen only through another’s eyes that we are able to see more of the picture.

Quote about beauty that relates to Venus and the weekly horoscope for September 22-28, 2024
(Photo: Unknown)

Weekly Horoscope

As the Earth comes to a moment of balance this week, we are invited to do the same. This day, and all of Libra season, reminds you of the beauty in opposites, paradox, and partnership. Nothing exists in isolation. Light requires dark, day cannot exist without night, and self cannot continue without the other. Your invitation is to experience the beauty within these opposing states of being. Your weekly horoscope helps you observe these oppositions that exist within you and understand how they support one another. Read for your rising sign.

Aries Rising

It is a week of connection. A week of honoring your selfhood and the way it is expanded, made possible, and supported by those around you. Expect it to invite you into deeper intimacy with your loved ones, stripping away any undesired layers of distance between you and other, you and yourself, you and life.

Taurus Rising

How do your days feel? Can you describe the rhythm, movements, and contents? The routines, colors, and habits? This week invites greater harmony into your everyday movements and rhythms. If your day-to-day experience of life was a room, what does the energy feel like? You become this energy. You become the life that you experience day in and out as well as the movements, habits, people, and thoughts that exist within it.

Gemini Rising

A week of beauty is calling your name. A week of art, pleasure, peace, and laughter. A week of connection, love, self-expression, and creativity. How can you weave these moments into your larger life? There is a sacred lightness available within this week if you allow space for it.

Cancer Rising

This week invites you home. Into your sacred space, your belonging to yourself, your intimacy with loved ones., and your world that exists within. Linger with your emotions, connections, fulfillments, and comforts and find beauty, intimacy and love through creativity and self-expression.

Leo Rising

It’s a week of tending to your mind. Have you been wanting to share about things in a certain way, learn about a certain topic, or bring organization or a reset to your thoughts? There is so much beauty in your mind asking to be shared. And there is so much waiting to be welcomed into your mind.

Virgo Rising

This week marks the transition out of your season. How have you changed in the last weeks? What have you discovered about yourself? How has life opened you? This week invites you to anchor the shifts that have been taking place, bringing them into your body, and letting them imbue a new level of self-worth.

Libra Rising

This week marks a new beginning in your self-concept, identity, expression and relationship with life. As the Sun shifts through your first house, observe how you want life to move through you, what kind of vitality you desire to feel, and where you see the life you desire taking you.

Scorpio Rising

Embrace love. Love with another, love with yourself, and love with the sacred hum existing beneath all moments. The way it opens you. The way it wants to move through you. This week is a week of transition and a safe cocoon welcoming you into its arms in preparation for your next incarnation.

Sagittarius Rising

Life this week is all about connection, community, and collaboration. Together we open, move, shift, build, and create beauty. How can you bring more support and love to the people in your lives? And how can you open to receiving this same support and love from them?

Capricorn Rising

Your weekly horoscope invites you to look ahead at your devotions, desires, and long-term building. You are reminded that to tend to these spaces, you must also tend to yourself. Your dreams, visions, and work are nurtured when you are nurtured. Who you are when you do your work directly affects the outcome of what you are building.

Aquarius Rising

There is wisdom calling your name. Perspectives that are asking you to open them. A conversation with life that requires the opening of your mind. This week, observe your beliefs, ideas, and truths as they relate to yourself, life, and humanity. Observe where your mind is asking to shift and what is waiting on the other side.

Pisces Rising

It’s a week of inner transformation. What has been asking for your surrender and presence? Allow yourself to observe the depths that call your name and give yourself to them with vulnerability and trust so that you may be transformed in the process.

RELATED: What Libra Season Means for You, According to Your Astrological Sign


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