Weekly Horoscope, March 2-8, 2025: Expressing Your Truest Self


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As we continue into March, we experience a week of thought-related lessons. As Mercury, planet of the mind, brings a mystical conjunction with Neptune, it draws us into our intuition and imagination. A day later, it crosses the threshold into Aries and  initiates a new cycle that prompts us to leap before we think. Your weekly horoscope for March 2-8, 2025, explains how to navigate these vacillating energies.

Weekly Horoscope, March 2-8, 2025 Preview

March 2 | Mercury Conjunct Neptune in Pisces
March 3 | Mercury Enters Aries; Moon Enters Taurus
March 5 | Moon Enters Gemini
March 7 | Moon Enters Cancer

Mercury Conjunct Neptune in Pisces

On March 2, 2025, we experience the conjunction of Mercury and Neptune in the mystical waters of Pisces. A conjunction is the meeting of two or more planetary bodies in our cosmos. In this moment, their energies come together, merging and becoming one. In a conjunction, one cannot be distinguished from the other.

Mercury is our planet of the mind, communication, learning, and processing. Whatever Neptune touches, it softens, blurs, and merges. On this day, then, our mind becomes one with the sacred realm and our thinking merges with intuition and emotion.

As they come together, Mercury channels the expression of Neptune so our voice and words become potential vessels of love and creativity. The medicine of this partnership is heightened intuition, healing, creative thinking, and imagination.

Yet to achieve this, Neptune has to bring its softening essence to our minds. Rather than clear thinking, structured planning, or detail-oriented communication, it is a time for reading poetry, daydreaming, and creative imagination.

Conjunct Neptune, Mercury invites us into a beautiful space of surrender, where we remember that we are one with infinite inspiration and potential.  This is a day to remember ourselves as channels for art and ideas and to recall the importance of attuning to our imagination.

(Illustration: Getty Images)

Mercury Enters Aries

After its dance with Neptune, Mercury crosses a threshold from Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, into Aries, the first sign, on March 3, 2025, and remains there until March 29, 2025.

As our planet of the mind, communication, learning, and processing enters Aries, it brings speed, passion, assertiveness, and courage to these spaces of the mind. It ignites a fire in our expression and brings desire to the center of our thinking.

Mercury is in preparation for its upcoming retrograde, which will also be in Aries beginning March 15, 2025. So while Aries turns up our inner flames of enthusiasm and desire, inspiration and initiation, our upcoming retrograde invites us to bring more observation to the thoughts that occupy our minds. It is these same steps, ideas, and desires that we will soon be retracing and observing from a different vantage.

(Illustration: Unknown)

Weekly Horoscope, March 2-8, 2025

Where do those dreamy ideals from Neptune want to take you? How do you want to move and create with them? How do you want to express yourself? And as Mercury enters the fires of Aries, observe how your mind moves along with it. Does its pace change? Do different types of thoughts occupy you? Your weekly horoscope helps you explore where to place your awareness. Read for your rising sign.

Aries Rising

It’s a week to explore the narratives you hold of yourself. Allow yourself to find peace in surrender and imagination as you slip into the waters of potential. Expand your self talk and the thoughts, stories, and ideas that contribute to your identity.

Taurus Rising

Dreaminess and imagination move through your mind this week, bringing new ideas and a healing form of hope. This invites silence and contemplation as a a sanctuary for reflection, release, inspiration, and connection to your intuition. Journaling, meditation, or chanting call your name.

Gemini Rising

If long-term visions and plans have been calling your name, what have you been thinking about? What desires have been making themselves known? As this week brings inspiration and creativity to those thoughts, expand your thoughts to encompass vaster possibility. It’s a time to list your visions or write letters to your future self.

Cancer Rising

Life is conversing with you. Can you hear it? Rather, can you feel it? Your intuition heightens this week as a stronger sense of belonging and meaning in this vast existence calls your name. As Mercury enters Aries, let yourself look ahead. What does legacy mean to you? What do you desire to create and share?

Leo Rising 

It has been a season of mystery and surrender. This week invites you to unclench your hands and let yourself swim within your emotions. When you emerge, your intuition will heighten and deeper meaning and guidance will find you.

Virgo Rising

This week invites you to clear your mind and see others along with yourself through the eyes of the sacred—the lens of compassion, love, and forgiveness. As Mercury enters Aries, enhanced connection with your instinctual nature and the profound guidance in your body calls to you.

Libra Rising

What is your relationship with the sacred? How can you bring it into your day? This week invites it, whether through meditation, yoga, journaling, or ritual. It also invites reflection on your desires in relationship—how you desire to express love, be loved, and share life with another.

Scorpio Rising 

This week invites play, imagination, creative expression to stream through you. As the week continues, the focus shifts to your habits and knowing you deserve to move and live in a way that supports your body, mind, and heart.

Sagittarius Rising

Your own emotions hold within them the healing you have been craving. You hold that medicine, and this week invites you to trust in that as you surrender to your emotions As you befriend them, creativity and play call your name.

Capricorn Rising

As Mercury shifts this week, it draws you into your emotional body, inviting new narratives and stories to be written. You are open to inspiration, so journal in whatever form works for you—list ideas, play with seeing things differently, write letters to the sacred, your future self, or the stars.

Aquarius Rising

Body work, intentional breathing, yoga, and other somatic practices remind you that all inspiration exists within your body. As Mercury shifts signs, the focus moves from your body to your mind, where you are invited to express yourself truthfully and boldly as you reflect on your desires.

Pisces Rising

Let your mind wander. Contemplate the stories that comprise your identity. And when the week invites you to consider more tangible and practical matters, ask yourself what would make you feel secure, abundant, safe? Invite intuition. And know that you are worthy of these realities.

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