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The week ahead brings vaster ways of thinking and imagining. As Mercury cazimi in Aquarius, the Moon becomes full in Leo, and Mercury transitions into the dreamy sign of Pisces, explore letting liberating ideas, insights, and potential enter your awareness and begin to dance with you. Your weekly horoscope for February 9-15, 2025, shares ways to open yourself to these inspirations as though they’ve been waiting in the ethers to find you.
Weekly Horoscope, February 9-15, 2025 At a Glance
February 9 | Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius
February 10 | Moon Enters Leo
February 12 | Full Moon in Leo
February 13 | Moon Enters Virgo
February 14 | Mercury Enters Pisces
February 15 | Moon Enter Libra
Mercury Cazimi in Aquarius
Translated from Arabic as “in the heart of the Sun,” a cazimi occurs when a planet comes into an exact conjunction with the Sun and becomes infused with its life-giving vitality and potential. This week, the recipient planet is Mercury.
Both the Sun and Mercury currently reside in Aquarius. Mercury is our planet of the mind, Aquarius is our zodiac sign of innovation, evolution, collective liberation, and radical progression. As Mercury experiences this cazimi on February 9, 2025, it expands our ways of thinking and allows us to recall the profound access each of us has to a higher wisdom.
Consider the day a conducive space for exploring your creative pursuits, journaling about the ideas that excite you, and experimenting with new ways to express your desires. Allow yourself to experience the kind of amplification and inspiration that comes from questioning old narratives, turning away from outdated thought patterns, and accessing heightened intuition.
Full Moon in Leo
Under a full Moon, we meet the shadows, fears, and hurts that exist within us as. Only when we are ready to bring these into the light of our own awareness and compassion can we release them. As the Moon becomes smaller and smaller following a full Moon, we, too, release layer after layer.
That moment of culmination, illumination, release, and closure takes place on February 12, 2025, with the full Moon in the fiery, creative, and deeply loving sign of Leo. Ruled by the Sun in astrology, Leo is warm, alive, vibrant, and passionate. It is generous, enthusiastic, and courageous. It shares its light as it creates an outward expression of all that exists within. Under its influence, we are invited to do the same as we release the many ways we have learned to hide, dim, or dismiss our own truth and worth. And it is here that we bask in our uniqueness.
While in a dance with Uranus, this lunation also invites the courage to change. The courage to step into fire and liberation. The courage to let go and try a new approach. And the courage to create a new narrative, with new possibilities, for yourself. Consider what keeps you from feeling vibrant and free in your own expression? What holds you back from being generous with your love for yourself, others, and life itself? What within you hinders the free flow of your own creative spark?
Mercury Enters Pisces
After its moment near Sun, Mercury leaves the air sign of Aquarius and enters the water sign of Pisces. Whereas Mercury rules our mind, thinking, learning, and communication, Pisces invites intuition, dreaming, imagination, and art. As Mercury enters these mystical waters on February 14, 2025, so do our minds. Our intuition heightens and the realm of imagination calls our names. Visions and dreams, music and art are the worlds we lose ourselves in, find healing in, and become inspired within.
Mercury in Pisces is an invitation to connect with our intuitive, imaginative, creative and mystical sides. To create art and write poetry. To dream up different realities for ourselves and write love letters to the divine. It is also a time to test the waters and acclimate to this Piscean energy in preparation for Pisces season next week where it’s not just our minds swimming in this sign of the zodiac but our entire beings.

Weekly Horoscope, February 9-15, 2025
The week ahead brings illumination to the mental, emotional, and energetic patterns that you are ready to let behind. As you explore compassion for your ways and courage to confront them, you will find it easier to unchain yourself from whatever has you feeling disempowered or anything but the truthful, free-flowing, and fullest expression of who you are. Your weekly horoscope explains how to support your exploration and liberation.
Aries Rising
You possess a unique spark. There is no one else you need to be. This week invites you to liberate yourself from anything within or without that tells you otherwise.
Taurus Rising
New possibilities emerge in the process of building your visions. For those possibilities to anchor into reality, you need to come into your body, tend to your emotional world, and establish your own sense of safety.
Gemini Rising
Your mind is your superpower. This week invites you to explore the realm of your mind, observing the narratives and stories as well as the ways of thinking and seeing that simply don’t align with who you are and where you are going. Hold them with love and set them free.
Cancer Rising
May you land more solidly in your unquestionable self-worth this week. May you bring love to the spaces where you doubt yourself. And may you begin to embody the knowing that you are worthy of feeling safe, abundant, and confident in your life in each moment.
Leo Rising
How much energy is spent keeping you from being yourself? From sharing and expressing the truth of you? From radiating your own energy and creating in your own way? This is a week to lean into your courage and let go as you open yourself to inspiration, rebirth, and liberation.
Virgo Rising
May you remember that you do not need to carry it all. Remind yourself just how held you are, not through the mind but through surrender. Through breathing out and letting the sacred hold you. Through letting the silence bathe you.
Libra Rising
Observe how your heart, mind, and body respond to the expectations, ideas, and energies of others. Whether consciously or unconsciously, you hear the world tell you who to be and how to live. It’s time to release yourself from that pressure and meet freedom on the other side.
Scorpio Rising
We each have a desired direction and dreams. This week invites you to summon the courage to claim those desires for yourself and, in the process, heal anything that exists within that says you can’t, whether due to fear from within or outside noise.
Sagittarius Rising
How do you renew your passion for life? This week, that could mean that you allow yourself to play, let yourself feels what it means to be truly alive, and ask yourself what it all means. Then courageously follow that answer. Your healing is found in whatever brings safety and compassion to your body.
Capricorn Rising
Your own love can transform you. Feel the immense creativity, compassion, knowing, and healing of your own heart. Let yourself feel. Then remember that your acceptance is the only acceptance you need.
Aquarius Rising
You are understanding how to heal in love and how to heal in relationship with self and others. As you explore how you honestly desire to be seen, acknowledged, and celebrated, you illuminate how you can offer that to yourself. Only then can you bring that strength and intimacy into your personal partnerships.
Pisces Rising
Your intuition, imagination, and connection to the sacred are your superpowers. This week heightens your awareness of this and asks that you consider your physical body as a part of the sacred. Ensure that you take time to ground it and honor it.
Learn more about the influence of the Moon and planets on your everyday life, including your weekly horoscope, when you sign up for our astrology email newsletter.