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As we cross the threshold into the astrological season of Pisces, we welcome a slower pace and experience the healing found in creativity, imagination, and closure. And as Mercury dances with Jupiter, we observe our relationship with trust and control, intuition and logic, limitation and possibility. Your weekly horoscope for February 16-22, 2025, explains how to learn these essential lessons.
Weekly Horoscope, February 16-22, 2025: At a Glance
February 18 | Sun in Pisces; Moon Enters Scorpio
February 19 | Mercury Square Jupiter
February 20 | Moon Enters Sagittarius
February 22 | Moon Enters Capricorn
Sun Enters Pisces
Our final sign of the zodiac, Pisces takes us into the closure of a cycle and helps us meet ourselves through reflecting and integrating, releasing and dreaming, surrendering and healing. Pisces is about intuition, imagination, compassion, and art. It is a season asking for surrender, soft healing, release, and the belief in magic.
As the Sun enters Pisces and its season begins on February 18, 2025, we breathe out, unclench our hands, and find our way back into the sacred waters of all. It is a moment of retreat, as if taking the space to recharge through deep inner nurturing before rebirthing ourselves into the passion of Aries. Here we are reminded that we do not need to hold it all, that we do not need to control it all. Rather, we can release the burden as we tune into and trust that a vaster intelligence, of which we are a part, is unfolding.g
And in this retreat, we are offered heightened imagination, intuition, and compassion, able to tune into the subtle divinity, beauty, possibility, and sacredness in each moment, person, and thing. I’ an invitation to come home to your heart and remember the sacred hands of life that are always holding you. A space to reflect on the past 12 months of this astrological year, we are lovingly bringing a cycle to a close, releasing what we no longer desire to take with us into our next rebirth.
Mercury Square Jupiter
The day after we are drawn into the intuitive waters of Pisces, Mercury and Jupiter bring a focus to the mind. As planets dance in our cosmos, they form different angles to one another called aspects. Some cosmic positions and movements bring ease and flow, others tension and charge. A square aspect, which is when two planets are 90 degrees from one another, is the latter. They are in a conflict yet breakthroughs can be met and doors can open.
Always close to the Sun, Mercury is our planet of the mind. As it swims through Pisces, it brings intuition and imagination, dreaminess and inspiration. It blurs details and clarity as it colors our minds in abstract and subjective wayss. Also concerned with the mind is Jupiter in Gemini, which expands our curiosity, objectivity, and openness to alternative perspectives, heightening our desire for learning and mental processing.
As Mercury squares Jupiter this week, we are given an opportunity to better understand how we relate to our own minds, intuition, logic, trust, and limitations. It asks us to observe how we value dreaming and imagination and where we place it in relation to fact and reasoning. The square welcomes us as we explore our relationship with possibility and faith. It asks us to allow space within our minds to be surprised, to be changed, to be open, and to be beyond our reasoning. And it asks us to observe the current structures and limitations of our thoughts, perspectives and narratives.
Even as these structures shape much of what we see and what influences our reality, they are profoundly malleable, changeable, and subjective. Squares arrive to bring our attention to something. They arrive with an abundance of potential for breakthrough. As we change the mind, everything changes with it.

Weekly Horoscope, February 16-22, 2025
It’s a week of surrender—surrender into silence, solitude, your own frequency, and the hum of life itself. It’s a week of remembering you are held by the sacred—within yourself, within other, within life itself. And it’s a week of acceptance or acquiescence—to conflicts in our cosmos as an inherent aspect of what it means to be human.
The days ahead allow you to release what is, and perhaps never has been, yours to hold. They allow your entire body, mind, and beyond to take a long, slow breath out. Explore respect for your intuition, your awareness of old narratives ready to be rewritten, your internal conflicts asking for resolution, and your acceptance of the many different, and sometimes contradictory, layers of self. Your weekly horoscope explores the areas that benefit most from your awareness.
Aries Rising
Lean into your intuition as if it was its own universe, filled with love, beauty, and creativity. Deep remembering awaits you as though you already know the tpreparation required for your rebirth next month.
Taurus Rising
It’s a week that asks for dreaming—closing your eyes and envisioning possibilities and realities for your life. It also supports you in tuning into desires within your being that you have been waiting to communicate.
Gemini Rising
Look ahead to your long-term desires and career aspirations. What really matters? What impact are you here to make? Tune into this knowing within you, listening for guidance through feeling and imagery rather than thinking and analyzingt.
Cancer Rising
It’s a week that inspires your mind, expands your perspective on self and life, and intuitively explores your belief systems. Let yourself settle into a sense of belonging in the vast and sacred life that is yours.
Leo Rising
The week asks you for compassion and surrender, feeling and acceptance. Befriend your emotions, even the ones that make you feel less comfortable in their presence. These are layers of yourself asking for your presence, love, and compassion. May you allow for intimacy with all of you.
Virgo Rising
Allow ease to inhabit your mind as you observe yourself from a new perspective. There is more of you to see, more of you to accept, and more of you to love, as if you are standing in front of yourself or peering through the eyes of another.
Libra Rising
This week invites healing, imagination, and beauty into your days. It invites you to sprinkle moments of silence, sacredness, self-love, and creativity into your habits, routines, and everyday movements. Let the sacred into each aspect of your living.
Scorpio Rising
Joy is calling your name. Creativity, play, beauty, imagination—embrace the way your child self knows how to dream up worlds and find inspiration in each moment. There is profound nourishment available in these spaces this week.
Sagittarius Rising
This week calls tyou back home. Home to your heart, your body, your frequency, and your self-love. Home to sacred solitude, silence, intuitive listening, and inner-child tending. And home to your emotions, which are your truest partner and source of guidance this week.
Capricorn Rising
The days ahead support you in offering space and trust to your intuition. This allows it to broaden your perspective, untangle old narratives, and guide you into spaces not yet explored. Play in imagination, dance with words, feel the magic of your voice. Ease your mind and allow compassion to wash through itt.
Aquarius Rising
This week invites you to swim in your own worthiness and hold space for anything within that has yet to feel the healing of your own value. Let each time you breathe out release this hurt. Let each time you breathe in remind you of your inherent worth.
Pisces Rising
It’s your season. The week supports your experience of both a release and a rebirth of who you are and how you move through the world. It’s a space to bring healing and updating to your understanding of self. Return home to yourself to swim in your frequency and celebrate your truth.