This Yoga Practice for Energy Is Designed to Boost Vitality


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Whether your feeling stressed, sluggish, or stagnant, reinvigoration is always welcome. And although you may be tempted to focus on slow, restorative practices, you can also rely on a yoga practice for energy that taps your inner reserves as a full-on reset of your body and mind.

This sequence opens your arms, engages your core, and—most importantly—increases your vitality. The accessible postures will help boost your body while providing a deeper sense of focus to the mind, and can help you dive into your day with more oomph than you thought possible.

An Energizing Flow to Uplift Your Spirit

A quick note on Savasana: this practice doesn’t have one! The quick, invigorating sequence is meant to leave you feeling uplifted, alert, and ready for what’s next.


Start in a tabletop position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists, hips stacked over  knees, and heels stacked over toes. Start with 10 simple circles to the right by shifting your  body to the right, then let your  hips sink back over your heels, then lean toward the left before coming back to center. Expand your circles to include the shoulders. Use your breath by inhaling as you shift forward and exhaling as you shift backward. When you’re finished, reverse directions. Come back to center with a nice deep inhalation.

yoga for energy thread the needle taps

Thread the Needle Taps

Now for some open wing twists. Inhale as you reach your left hand up and exhale as you tap your left shoulder down to the mat in Thread the Needle. Repeat these dynamic taps for five deep breaths, allowing your breath to guide your movement: inhale up, exhale down.

yoga for energy thread the needle extended

Thread the Needle With Fingertips Forward

As you bring your left shoulder down on your final exhalation, make sure your left ear is far forward of your shoulder. Stay here or extend your right fingertips and arm toward the front of the mat as you press your hips up and back. Take 3 deep breaths in this pose.

Place your right hand underneath your shoulder and press back up to Tabletop. Repeat these twists on the opposite side.

yoga for energy plank pose

Plank Pose

Bring yourself back through center and stack your shoulders over your wrists. Take a nice deep inhale here, tuck your toes, and come into Plank Pose. You are also free to take this posture with the knees down on the mat.

yoga for energy downward-facing dog

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

From Plank, exhale and take your hips up and back into your Down Dog and pedal here. As you inhale, ground your heels, press through your hands, and find your full extension of the pose. See if you can relax your neck and create more length through the side body.

yoga for energy low lunge

Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

Step your right foot in between your hands, drop your left knee down to the mat, and inhale to elevate your arms. Take a nice deep breath in Low Lunge.

yoga for energy high lunge

High Lunge

If you’re feeling more adventurous, bring both hands to your right knee and lift your back knee away from the mat as you keep your arms lifted in the same exact posture. Stay here for 5 deep breaths.

yoga for energy revolved lunge

Revolved Lunge

As you exhale, your left hand comes down to the mat and your right hand reaches up toward the sky, twisting here. Allow your lower belly to draw in as your lower back opens. Stay here for 5 breaths.

yoga for energy plank pose

Plank Pose

As you exhale, your right hand comes down to the mat. Lower your left knee to the mat followed by your right knee or step back to Plank.

yoga for energy chaturanga


From Plank, bend your elbows and lower into Chaturanga.

yoga for energy upward-facing dog

Upward-Facing Dog

Find your Up Dog before exhaling into Down Dog. See if you can equalize your inhalations with your exhalations.

Step your left foot in between your hands and repeat your lunge poses on the opposite side.

yoga for energy adjusted chaturanga

Adjusted Chaturanga

As you step the left foot back out of Revolved Lunge, lower both knees down to the mat, followed by your chest and chin, coming into an adjusted Chaturanga. Take a nice deep inhale.

yoga for energy cobra pose

Cobra Pose

As you exhale, slide yourself forward and inhale up to your Cobra Pose. Press into your palms and lift your chest away from the mat.

With your next exhale, lower your chest down to the mat and then inhale as you press up to Plank and exhale as you take your hips up and back into Down Dog. Take a nice deep inhalation here.

yoga for energy half forward bend

Half Standing Forward Bend

From Down Dog, exhale as you take a generous bend in your knees and step your feet forward near the front of the mat. Inhale and lift up halfway with a flat back.

yoga for energy forward bend

Standing Forward Bend

As you exhale, take your full forward fold.

yoga for energy upward salute

Upward Salute

Inhale as you rise to stand, lifting and reaching your arms toward the sky.

yoga for energy mountain pose

Mountain Pose

As you exhale, draw your hands to heart center in Mountain Pose.

yoga for energy wide-legged forward fold

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend

Turn from the top of your mat to face the long side, bringing your legs as wide as your arm span. Take a nice deep inhale and then as you exhale descend your chest toward the mat.  Bring your hands to your knees, ankles, or feet. Take 5deep breaths here.

yoga for energy mountain pose 2

Mountain Pose

Take your time as you bring your hands to your  thighs and then inhale to rise all the way up to standing. Take your hands to heart center. For an energizing transition, jump your feet back together to Mountain Pose.


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