This Mandala Flow Takes You All Around Your Mat


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Mandala flows are designed to move your body in various directions all around your mat, resulting in a practice that’s literally well rounded. From a teaching standpoint, mandala flows work your creative muscles, offering a way to change things up when you’re feeling a little blah or your practices are feeling repetitive (which happens to us all from time to time). As students, you may feel more engaged and enlivened by practicing mandala flows as you can never be entirely certain what’s coming next. They’re a slight departure from the energy of more traditional sequencing.

As with any style of yoga, mandalas aren’t for everyone. Some may become frustrated or confused as they move around the mat, while others simply prefer more traditional teaching. Guess what? That’s okay!

One blessing of the multitudes of yoga teachers that exist these days is that there are an infinite number of unique styles to choose from, and each helps get more people on the mat.

A Mandala Flow to Round Out Your Home Practice

If you’re new to this style, simply show up with an open mind and heart, staying curious and kind as you move and breathe mindfully. This will make any yoga experience a lot more enjoyable—I promise.

Cat Pose

Start on all fours in Tabletop. Take a full breath in as you round your back in Cat Pose.

mandala flow

Puppy Pose

As you exhale, walk your hands forward and melt your heart close to the mat in Puppy Pose, keeping your hips high.

Thread the Needle

Take a breath in and lift halfway. As you exhale, slide your left arm underneath you and to your right in Thread the Needle, resting on your left shoulder and side of your head.

mandala flow

Kneeling Side Plank

Inhale as you unwind your left arm and take it toward the sky, stacking your right shoulder over your right palm. Keep your right knee on the ground as you kickstand your right shin behind you and extend your left leg toward the back of your mat in a variation of Side Plank.

mandala flow

Head-to-Knee Pose

With an exhalation, lift both arms toward the sky and turn your chest toward the back of your mat as you sit on the mat and fold over your extended left leg in Head-to-Knee Forward Bend, allowing your right knee to remain bent and open to the right side.

mandala flow

Kneeling Wild Thingg

With an inhalation, lift your hips, squeezing your glutes and keeping your left leg extended straight. Stack your right shoulder over your right palm again and reach your left arm overhead in a modified Wild Thing.

Exhale and stay here for another breath, hugging your shoulder blades behind you to press your chest forward.

mandala flow

Extended Kneeling Side Plank

Inhale into an extended kneeling Side Plank by lifting your left leg toward the sky. Hook the left big toe with your left peace fingers if that’s available to you.

Lizard Pose

Exhale and step your left leg toward the front of your mat, gently placing it along the outer edge of the mat. Inhale as you stay in Lizard with your back toes tucked, lifting your left arm high.

mandala flow

Cactus Twist

Exhale as you draw your right heel toward your hip as you cactus your left arm behind you and twist to look over your left shoulder in Cactus Twist.

mandala flow

Lizard Fold

Inhale back through center as you lower your back foot. Exhale into a Lizard Fold by walking your left hand forward as you bow your torso to the inside of your left thigh.

Extended Modified Side Plank

With an inhalation, rise as you spiral your left arm open and lower your right hand to the back of your mat, stacking your right shoulder on top. Lift your left leg high, hooking your big toe with your peace fingers if that’s accessible to you.


Cow Face Pose

With an exhalation, move into Cow Face Pose by crossing and stacking your left knee over your right. Bend your left elbow and take it skyward as you reach around with your right hand and find your fingers to hook behind your heart.

mandala flow

Cow Face Fold

Inhale and stay here. Rest your head against the crook of the left arm and lean slightly backward, bringing more sensation into your chest and shoulders as you sit taller. Breathe out and either stay here or fold forward with a flat back, keeping the bind.

mandala flow

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose

With an inhalation, rise and transition into Half Lord of the Fishes seated twist. Plant your left foot alongside your outer right thigh. Take your left arm behind you, placing your left hand flat on the ground or tenting your fingers as you hook your right elbow to your outer left thigh.

Exhale and twist as you look over your left shoulder, nudging your left hip forward. Inhale and sit taller in the twist rather than leaning back or rounding forward.

Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend

With an exhalation, counter twist by unwinding to the right and finding a Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend, facing the left long side of the mat. Turn your toes slightly inward and bend as much as you need in the knees.

mandala flow

Low Lunge

Inhale and shift to a Low Lunge facing the back of your mat. Frame your left foot with flattened palms and bend into your left knee, lowering your hips and lifting your chin.

Three-Legged Dog

With an exhalation, shoot your extended right leg toward the wall behind you or the sky in Three-Legged Dog, ensuring your hips remain level. Pause here for your inhalation.

Sun Bird

Exhale to Sun Bird, shifting forward toward Plank Pose before gently lowering your left knee, chest, and chin to the mat, keeping your right leg extended high.

Upward-Facing Dog

Inhale as you bring both feet to the mat. Take your chest forward and up into Upward-Facing Dog.

mandala flow

Downward-Facing Dog

With an exhalation, tuck your chin and step back to Downward-Facing Dog. Repeat on the other side to make your way back to the front of the mat.


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