Third Trimester Pregnancy Yoga (Prepare Your Body For A Positive Birth)


Today’s pregnancy yoga is specifically designed for third trimester, however it’s safe for all trimesters. This is a great prenatal yoga class when your belly is bigger and you are moving a little more slowly. It’s great for easing aches and pains such as pregnancy rib pain, pelvic pain and sciatica. This third trimester yoga will also help you prepare for a positive birth experience and help baby into an optimal fetal position. (Safe for 1st trimester, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester). I hope your body feels amazing after this class and you are feeling prepared for your upcoming birth!

Guide to cope with pain in labor:

Natural Birth Education Playlist:

How to avoid tearing during labor:

February Monthly Pregnancy Workout Challenge:

Find newest monthly pregnancy challenge in the community tab!

Pregnancy Meal Plan:
Pelvic Floor Guide For Birth Prep:
Pregnancy Yoga Cards:

Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.

Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!

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Copyright P&P Health Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.

#pregnancyyoga #thirdtrimester #pregnancy


  1. Thank you so much! I did many of your videos (yoga and workouts), they helped me to feel strong and good, I became even stronger than before the pregnancy! I often cried on you pregnancy cards I don’t know why) It was like a relief, I felt very good. I wish all mamas feel good and strong and have a positive birth experience!

  2. Hi I wanted to thank you personally but also posting this comment here for everyone to know. I have been doing this particular yoga and another meditation video of yours regularly since my 7th month. I did it even on days when I dint feel so good and I ended up delivering a healthy baby boy at 38 weeks 3 days smoothly . The doctors were surprised at how fast I dilated despite this being my first pregnancy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I am pretty soon going to start your post natal recovery yoga 🎉 lots of love

  3. Hi Jessica. I had been practicing yoga from your channel throughout my pregnancy. I always wanted to have a vaginal birth and I always believed that exercise can do wonders. I also learnt about inducing labour. On 37 weeks and 6 days my water broke at around 3.30 am. Then I rushed to hospital. At 7 am I was 1 cm dilated and by 8.30 am I was 7 cm dilated. Even my gynaecologist dint expect such fast dilation. She came at around 9 and I delivered by 9.03 am. I truly believe that it was because of the exercises I had done for 9 months. Thank you Jessica. Though the pain was tremendous but I am happy to have vaginal birth. Also I exercised only 4 times a week.

  4. I’ve been doing your workouts since I found out I was pregnant. I have been feeling so good. Very active and no body aches. My 14 month old daughter also keeps me very active lol can’t wait for delivery, I know it’ll be smooth and easy from all your help! ❤

  5. I'm continuing to enjoy your workouts. I normally do not enjoy yoga, but I've enjoyed all of your pregnancy yoga workouts (and the other ones too 🙂 ) and feel like you do a great job helping out all of us pregnant mamas. This is my 4th pregnancy, and I wish I had had you for all 4 of mine! Thank you so much for your work.

  6. I followed this and other routines from this channel almost daily, starting from approximately 28th week. My delivery happened spontaneously on week 39 and went so fast and smooth that I did not even have time to consider epidural. I felt as if my body was ready and knew exactly what to do. I actually enjoy memories of my delivery and I can say it was a very positive experience. As a side note, this is my second baby, and the first delivery was far from pleasant (I did not prepare my body for it back then).
    Thank you for your work!❤

  7. I never comment on videos but I have to say a massive thank you as I started doing your yoga videos when I found out I was pregnant, and continued up until the day my waters broke (39weeks). I really think your videos prepared my body and mind for the most positive birth I could’ve had. Thank you so much ❤

    Good luck to all the soon to be mums, keep doing these videos.. it works! Xx

  8. Great video, thank you! I’m at 32 weeks. I started doing this video today and I plan on doing it every day that I am off (4days/wk)
    I’m a healthcare worker and I’m on my feet 12 hours up and down the hallways three times a week. Has taken a tall on my feet and now my. Wrist hurts. This yoga felt amazing though i found out my balance has gone very poorly but I did my best. I hope this helps bring easy and healthy natural delivery!!!❤

  9. I did these videos for my first pregnancy and had a positive natural birth. I gave birth in the squatting position. I really feel like these videos helped my body prepare.
    Here I am second time around 38 weeks. Thank you Jessica 💖
    Im hoping for another successful natural birth this time 🙏

  10. I am 35 weeks today and during first trimester I did really well with exerise and stretching, but then in second trimester I started getting awful pelvic pain SPD and it limited my movement a lot other than walking, but now at 35 weeks its time to prep for my baby so I am going to try and work movement back into my routine whether it smarts or not. I do go to PT but that got very expensive so I have to really pick and choose when I can go. I feel under prepared but Im still going to give all I got to hopefully have a safe and natural birth 😊

  11. Love ❤ from Delhi,India. I wish I had found you in my 1st pregnancy and I ended up getting elective C-section. Today I am 38 weeks dear and found you 2 weeks back and following , doing exercises regularly with you. I feel energised and very active. I am sure this time i will be better at coping with the birth experience. Rest god will guide. 🙏🏻 I will write to Jessica after my delivery. ❤
    You are the best YouTuber regarding pregnancy, calm and composed. Your voice is angelic.😇

  12. I followed your exercises 3-4 times a week up until I gave birth with my first child at 38 weeks! It was such a smooth delivery with no tearing and minimal recovery! Thank you so much for all your helpful videos!

  13. Loved this flow! I’m 29 weeks along and doing my yoga teacher training and normal yoga just doesn’t fly anymore at this stage so I found you to do some of my class observations with!!😂

    I had to do a double take when I saw that you’re an RD too!! Small world 💙💙 Love seeing more Dietitians who are also in the fitness space rocking it on YouTube!

    Thanks so much for a wonderful class! 😊

  14. Thank you for all the amazing content. I really love this channel & I’m on it every day! It is the first time in my life that I have not lost motivation for exercising for so long (though cant tell if it is you or my baby:)) I wanted to provide some feedback re: the organisation of material. It would be very helpful if you could have playlists organised from the subscribers’ point of view: I would be interested in playlists for first, second, third trimester, post partum, yoga with kids etc. It doesnt matter to me when they were posted (eg december 2023 videos). Many thanks for all you do for women around the world!

  15. Hi Jessica.I am 29 weeks pregnant.I used to follow your yoga videos trimester by trimester. In growth scan we found that our baby has a single loop of cord around neck. Is it safe to continue these excercise in this situation. Pls guide me.


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