There’s a Sitewide Alo Sale Happening Right Now


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What is Singles Day? According to Alo, it’s time for a sitewide sale.

That’s right: everything on Alo is on sale right now.

The brand is commemorating the Chinese holiday for the romantically unattached, which is typically celebrated with shopping on November 11, by discounting all items a substantial 30 percent. (More accurately, the sale is taking place the day after Singles Day. But who’s counting. The most important thing to note is that the sale ends soon.)

Alo’s committed fandom is largely there for the stylish sets, coordinated bras and leggings and matchy-matchy loungewear that ensure your movement practice is visually cohesive. Editor faves include the Airlift Line Up Bra (which stays in place and is incredibly flattering) and 7/8 High-Waist Airlift Legging (so comfortable, so many colors). Although these have earned their place in our yoga wardrobe, a more budget-conscious price tag is always welcome.

Tips for Shopping the Alo Sale

Navigating a wealth of discounts can be intimidating. Here’s where to start.

1. Opt for Bestsellers

When in doubt, rely on longtime items that are well-reviewd. Alo shoppers are a committed bunch and their feedback is plentiful, with insights covering everything from fit to item longevity.

2. Invest in Your Classics

Curating an activewear wardrobe that you love means understanding your unique style. Determine your favorite shapes and colorways and purchase pieces that will grow with you and your closet.

3. Don’t Skimp on Accessories

Items such as headbands, blocks, and towels may be less sexy than a new ensemble, but you’ll likely rely on these more than you think.


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