The Zodiac Sign Attributes That Make You So Special


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Sun signs tend to get a bad wrap. The memeification of astrology has resulted in a hyperfocus on overgeneralized, less-than-desirable negative zodiac sign attributes that make for comical, yet occasionally callous, content. (If you’re a Scorpio or Gemini, you’re likely well aware of this.)

Astrologer Catherine Urban invites you to ditch those celestial disses. From Virgo’s problem-solving prowess to Leo’s contagious confidence, each of the 12 sun signs contain multitudes of personality traits—including those that are valuable and agreeable. These upsides can not only foster a greater appreciation for the humans in your life but help you better understand the specialized way each of them shows up in the world.

So in the spirit of year-round gratitude, why not shift your focus to the less offensive traits associated with each sign?

Zodiac Sign Attributes to Appreciate, By Sun Sign

Each astrological archetype has something unique to offer the universe—and you.

1. Aries

Aries are the real deal: genuine, inspiring, and full of bold and boundless energy. “You will always get the truth from an Aries friend—just be ready to hear it before you ask their opinion on an idea!” says Urban.

2. Taurus

“A Taurus bestie is a true blessing,” says Ubran, citing the sun sign’s loyal and loving nature. Tauruses are reliable rocks: calm, collected, and interested in life’s comforts and pleasures. “You can always appreciate your Taurus friends for their serene vibes—and their ability to choose the best restaurant,” says Urban.

3. Gemini

What will a Gemini do next? This is the eternal question, and the sun sign’s seemingly boundless curiosity certainly keeps life exciting. “You can appreciate your witty Gemini friends for cracking you up and convincing you to try new things,” says Urban. “There’s never a dull moment—and always something new to learn.”

4. Cancer

Embodied by the crab, Cancers are softies guarded by a protective shell. The nurturing sign is adept at creating safe and cozy spaces both at home and on the go—and they know how to use them. “Cancerian energy reminds us of the power of rest and restoration,” says Urban.

5. Leo

Leo’s self-assuredness and strong nature turns heads, urging others to step into their power. “Leos inspire us to shine,” says Urban. “Strong, sparkly and self-assured, Leos have a commanding presence which inspires the rest of us to trust ourselves more.”

6. Virgo

The puzzles of everyday life are no match for Virgo’s innate problem-solving abilities. “Your Virgo friend is your soundboard and idea enthusiast,” says Urban. “Multi-talented and super caring, Virgo has an arsenal of solutions to suggest for those home projects and headaches. They are always down for someone to pick their brain.”

7. Libra

The sign of Libra is represented by a scale, meaning you can count on them to weigh the options with balance and fairness. “Objective Libra is skilled at looking at an issue (thoroughly) from both sides,” says Urban. Libras also have an appreciation for beauty, so if said issues extend to your wardrobe, all the better.

8. Scorpio

Scorpios are the secret-keepers of the zodiac—and that includes yours. Urban explains  that in addition to their respect for the sacredness of what’s “hidden,” Scorpios are passionate, determined, and fiercely loyal companions.

9. Sagittarius

Up for an adventure? You can count on your favorite Sagittarius. Urban describes the archer as endlessly inquisitive, playful, and hilarious, destined to inspire belly laughs galore. “Call on your Sagittarius friends to help you let go, destress, and lose track of time (and not regret it one bit),” she says.

10. Capricorn

Capricorns know how to get things done, and have a knack for making most tasks appear effortless. “Capricorns have a natural composure,” says Urban. “Capricorns inspire us to reach higher, cultivate discipline, and show up for ourselves on a consistent basis.”

11. Aquarius

The world needs more free thinkers, and Aquarius helps us embody the trait. “Aquarians have the gift of individuality and personal sovereignty,” says Urban. “They naturally deflect unnecessary thoughts and opinions of others.” You can rely on your area Aquarians to thrive as only they can—and to always be down to try something new.

12. Pisces

Pisces are compassionate, imaginative, and deeply sensitive. “Pisces reminds us of the power of our dreams,” says Urban. “Taking space for their well-being is a superpower.” According to the astrologer, the heart is truly the water sign’s strongest muscle.


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