The solution to lower back pain? Strength, flexibility, and core balance


Try yoga to ease back pain ​
Or join my 21-Day Happy Back Challenge


  1. Ty.. this is actually helpful seeing a few stretches I should be doing. The cross-legged leg lift just helped as soon as I did it, even sitting in this chair. I already do the chair pose, but lazily because I didn’t think it really did much.

  2. I'm 19 and this is just the vid that I was searching for. I'm now almost working out for a year but last week, I over trained my lower back (Monday-back, Tuesday- doing bridge in bench, Wednesday-squats, Thursday-some work in the garden, I was lifting 40kg rocks and not doing dead lift move properly) and since then I can't sit because of the pain

  3. I had a injury like 15 months back with L1 and L2 compression fracture. Not able to run or jump since then and experiencing sharp pain while getting up after sleep since last 3 months. What would you suggest for me?

  4. I had cauda equina 22 years ago and I have permanent nerve damage to my right leg and foot. I kept losing power in my leg and acupuncture did the trick. I could count on one hand how many times my right leg has buckled since. However, after my spinal stenosis diagnosis 10 years ago I discovered yoga. Yes I still have pain but yoga is like magic when it comes to relieving that pain. I've got my final lesson to do and I'll be a qualified yoga teacher. I look forward to helping others and paying it forward because of yoga has helped me so much, I want others to experience that. Love and light 🧘🏼‍♀️ 💜


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