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Atha Yoga Anushasanam • Yoga Basics

The phrase “be here now” is encapsulated in the opening aphorism of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras: “Atha yoga anushasanam.” The word “atha” signifies a...

Why You and Your Baby Need a Good Night Sleep With Liza Kaplan Montanino

Today we are going to talk about SLEEP: your sleep, your baby’s sleep, and how to help your baby get good sleep. We...

20-minute prenatal yoga for the hips | lower back | deep release | all...

A lovely prenatal yoga sequence suitable for all trimesters to release and increase mobility in the hips, which also helps to release the lower...

Face Yoga for #Smilelines by Face Yoga Expert Vibhuti Arora | #smilelinereduction #antiageing

Smile Lines or Nasolabial Folds correction Face Yoga techniques - 1. Air Movement 2. Cheek Burpees 3. Line Stretching 4. Smiling & Pouting Follow @face yoga school india...