Stress Melt – 26 Min Yoga Break | Yoga With Adriene


This 26 minute Yoga With Adriene break is designed to help you shift your gears and re-direct energy to serve! Recharge your batteries and use this grounding practice to align or re-align with what feels good.

You have the power! Let me know how it goes down below!

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


  1. Hi everyone! Today, I invite you to take stress energy and root it back down in your foundation.

    Trust the foundation and know that each time we come to the mat we are adding to and working with that foundation.

    Foundation is important because it allows you to feel where you are coming from and where you are going.

    Having a sense of your foundation takes you making time for yourself to check in and check stress energy at the door.

    Do you believe in the powers of YOGA? Let me know down below!

  2. Because of travel and being affected by Hurricane Beryl, I haven’t been on my mat for the past couple of weeks…. Boy oh boy did I miss it and NEED to come back! This session was exactly what I needed and made me aware of how much I have been holding in my hips. Thank you for all your amazing work, Adriene!

  3. Hi Adriene! I did this video with you after work tonight and I feel 100% better! Thank you So much for putting together an awesome yoga sequence that I can actually do, (all my baby step efforts are starting to add up!) A d thank you for all your positive words of encouragement. I know it sounds weird to say I m falling in love with you ha ha so Ill just say I'm falling in love with your creation, "Yoga with Adriene!" Namaste to You!

  4. Im learning to Let go of whats no longer serving me and whats out my control. For my overthinking mind I choose to love myself and speak my truth rather than hold it all in. Thank you Adrienne for showing me how to release❤️🙏 namaste everyone

  5. Простака всртретилась смальчикамикласно ожилва книги читатьстала в ебя пришла ведь яне жила а сужествовала теперт дыры у менянеит мне класно даже одной яжадже не говарила теперь живу ирадуюсь като так

  6. Anyone else’s knees not tolerate those one kneed lunges? I do fine with both knees on the ground and with hands on the ground but putting pressure on just one knee is too much for me. I’m not a heavy person so not sure what’s up. Is this normal at all?

  7. Thank you again Adrienne and Benji. Trying to recover from Covid again and I have had more side effects this time. This practice is hwlping me get back to balance and to try and find my foundation. Vwry wobbly today😂 Im so happy to be finding relwvant practices here every day❤


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