STOP Stretching Sciatica!


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  1. I have discomfort in my upper left thigh hip area from a pinched nerve in my lower vertebrae from lifting a very heavy box. The nerve in my lower back has become very painful as over a year later that area doesnt really hurt anymore just my left leg had discomfort from walking alot or sudden movements then a sharp pain will arise in my upper left thigh/ hip area I just take regular pain reliever s which help.

  2. I can't thank you enough for this video. I've been suffering for four years with SI joint dysfunction, bursitis, and something going on with my L3. Had injections, PT, etc. and nothing completly relieved my symptoms. I did one round of this video and immediate relief. No inflammation for the past two days and I am able to walk without that funny feeling in the front of my thigh that affects my knee and foot. My body isn't holding any tension. Thank you!!!!

  3. What can I do with a pelvic feature on left side I was rold I can put weight on it as much as incan handle physical theory hasn't cane out been trying but when instep to walk there is deep pain on right side I think it's sciatica but hard ro tell cause my legs are alreasy numb.

  4. I can barely get my leg off the floor on the prone hip extension and sends a pain increase in the place where I am experiencing the majority of the pain in my back, I have been experiencing a lot of numbness and pain in my legs hips and feet as well as having my leg jumping and interrupting my sleep, I have never had any issues with stretching easily being able to place palms on the floor but for the last few months I have struggled to reach my ankles I have been trying to reduce the pain through a variety of different methods that I have seen on this channel and a few others, I really don't understand what happened that has increased my pain level so severely but I have also noticed that my knees and ankles have started snapping and cracking from simple acts like walking and climbing stairs and I don't even dare to run because for some reason the opposite knee has just started giving out without warning I would also mention that I have been experiencing a lot of pain and joint swelling in my hands, wrists and elbows as well as an increase in neck pain. I'm not sure what happened but it feels like I have aged 20 years in a couple months and I'm afraid that if it continues at the current rate that I will be completely immobile in a few months. I suppose that I have probably run out of options and I'm going to have to try to find a dr. who actually cares about their patients and isn't just pushing surgery as the only solution

  5. If you add blood flow too early after you pop it you can make the injury worse you need to use cold ice and get rid of inflammation first. Don’t use heat and don’t over exercise the injury initially


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