Perfect Five Minute Sore Back Release Video.
Shot in Surf Vista Villas, Santa Teresa. Costa Rica
Having a sore back really sucks. It can make your life a living hell. It happens to all of us. If you need lower back pain relief cause your sciatica pain is too much to handle, this beginners yoga will stretch the back pain and tension away in perfect hatha yoga style.
Its a great sunrise morning yoga routine that is not only preventative stretching for back pain but also a miracle lower & upper back pain cure. There are options for intermediate yoga positions like the full wheel and easier modified yoga positions for beginners to experience & learn yoga comfortably. Just relax, breathe deeply, and live in the moment of every stretch. You will see this routine can act as stress relief yoga too.
Remember Yoga is not a competition, and exactly where you are right now in your practice is exactly where you are supposed to be- beginner, novice, or full advanced yogi.
May you release the tension & stiffness out of your back and expand your practice too.
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Shot In Beautiful Santa Teresa, Costa Rica
Surf Vista Villas
Video Production- Mark Spicoluk
Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.
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Juliana & Mark
Conceptually I like this but it is not for beginners.
Thank you very much!
Hi there, I am writing this from India. It was 2021 I guess when found your channel. Since then, have been in love with your work. The way I could connect with your way of performing yoga, like how peacefully and gracefully you execute the poses, the serenity I find in your videos, the way you start and end your videos, the locations you choose, and my gosh, how elegant your body looks. Everything is top notch. Thanks for creating such amazing content and spreading yoga to your audience.
Is this a sin for Muslim/Christians to do this?
Not. For. Beginners
Made restricted adjustments in limited space of a big truck constricted space
Your amazingly enjoyable to do this with..t.y❤
Not for beginners. Out of touch.
❤❤ thanks for making this amazing yoga practice ❤❤
Can I ask how you do the voice over?
I been following you for sometime now, I love your the way you work. I have to say that this particular video has an issue with the sound: the music is louder than your voice and it´s hard to follow without watching the screen, and that seem rather difficult from the floor. Thank you so much for bringing yoga back in to my life. Congratulations for your lifestyle.
Thank you❤
she wasn't lying when she said "miracle"…my back feels brand new lol
Such a soothing and stretching flow. Loved it!
0:45 ❤
3.46 saniyedeki seviyeye ben de geldim zamanla daha çok güzel olucak
Now that I'm learning more about yoga I realize this is not real yoga. The point is to open your energy channels and to feel your body. How can you do that when your moving so fast? And you don't really tell people how to hold their body. I'm sure most people are doing it wrong and just trying to keep up. I like the workouts though
Very effective this short time work out.
🟥 its me kevin schantalle your biggest priest my channel with the 6million viewer went deletet in case of my religion skin color and sexuality was so sad because and the lawyer rob my money without ssalvation…but u always giv me something good 🟥
never felt this relaxed before
not after sleeping for 10 hrs which i enjoy
This must be the best Yoga video on YouTube!
Yeah, for beginners. Good luck with that.
Love this. But music is too loud to hear you!
On what planet is full wheel pose "yoga for beginners"? 😒😬
Excelente…muchas Gracias…este ejercicio si funciona….cuántas veces por semana se hace? Ya no aguantaba mi espalda…👍🙏
OMG….the camera is so far…and she is so thin that one has to wear glasses to take these Yoga classes😂