Short & Efficient Prenatal Pilates (15-Minute Pregnancy Pilates Class)


Today we are doing a short and efficient 15-minute prenatal pilates. Great for toning during pregnancy and is also beneficial to prepare for a positive birth experience and help baby into an optimal fetal position. Safe for all trimesters (1st trimester, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester). I hope you feel strong and energetic after this pregnancy Pilates class!

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Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.

Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!

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Copyright P&P Health Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.

#pregnancy #prenatalpilates #pregnancyexercise


  1. Amazing! Been having sciatic pain down my left side and last few days it was so bad I could barely walk or move. Turning around in bed is a work out on its own. I thought I’ll give this a try before work, afraid every movement was going to hurt, but it was so relieving. My sciatic pain is minimised, which makes I’m going to be okay at work (always on my feet at work). Thank you!

  2. Im 33 weeks pregnant, and have gained 80lbs this pregnancy so far. I was following along to your videos for the first 6 months but I stopped up until yesterday because I've had so much going on in my life. I did a yoga stretch yesterday and this today; I feel so much better already! Ive been so stiff, my body feels lethargic from all the weight, but this makes me feel like I'm getting my strength back. I'll focus on losing the weight after baby is born lol, but this makes me feel more prepared for birth 🙏🏼♥️

  3. Jessica! I have been doing your 15 minute prenatal workout faithfully for two weeks now. They have reduced my sciatic pain significantly! I can sit on the floor and play with my students again 😊. Thank you so much for putting these together. I also appreciate you using a "bump". It helps me see how I should be aligning my body during each exercise.

  4. So thankful for your channel! I never exercised prior to this because I was always so slim but knew I needed to build strength and stay in shape for this first baby 👶🏻

    You have everything for pregnancy— I already shared your channel with a couple friends 😊


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