Restorative Yoga For Anxiety | 30 Days Of Yoga


Join me for Day 5 of the 30 days of yoga challenge for peace of mind.
This practice is a 20 minute restorative yoga for anxiety sequence.
After doing this restorative yoga class you will notice you will breath much easier, you will notice less tension and feel more relaxed physically and mentally.
Yoga is a great natural alternative for anxiety relief.
Restorative yoga offers the mind a body a sense of calmness and presence.
This restorative class can be done anytime of the day however it is especially useful right before bed.

#RestorativeYoga #Yoga #30DaysOfYoga

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As with all physical activity, Yoga included, it is important to listen to your body at all times and never exceed the sensation of just a light stretch. If you feel pain or extreme discomfort do not do the yoga pose, movement or stretch and come to something that feels better for you.
Always consult your doctor about any physical activity.

Some links may be affiliate links that Yoga With Bird earns a small percentage of how ever each affiliate product is something she genuinely loves and has used herself. Please consult your physician before joining in on this practice. By participating in this activity you acknowledge that yoga is a physical discipline that requires a certain amount of mental concentration and physical strength and endurance. You agree to work according to your own limitations and take full responsibility for your own safety and well-being. Listen to your body at all times and never do anything that causes pain. You acknowledge that participation in this activity exposes you to a possible risk of personal injury. You are fully aware of this risk and hereby release Yoga With Bird/Francine Cipollone from any and all liability, negligence, or other claims, arising from, or in any way connected, with your participation in this activity.


  1. Good morning, dear Teacher Bird 😨😨😨 ohhh my … What a nice class for today …. One thing is stress; another different one is anxiety 😓😓😓 I know that very well 😓😓😓 … Thanks for help us with your therapeutic videos, dear Teacher 😊😊😊💪💪💪🙏🙏🙏


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