Prenatal Yoga Workout | 30 Min Full Body Pregnancy Safe Workout ❤ ALL TRIMESTERS


After this gentle pregnancy safe 30 min prenatal yoga workout for all trimesters, check out the complete Boho Beautiful Prenatal Journey Program –

This full body rejuvenation workout was designed for all expecting mothers in all trimesters to enjoy yoga and fitness while pregnant. We will start with a prenatal safe core workout, glutes, legs & finish with the upper body. Remember to listen to your body, breathe deeply, and avoid any movement or posture that doesn’t feel right in this moment in your life.

It is incredibly important to listen to your body at all stages of your journey, bringing life into the world. If it is telling you to sit out, a stretch doesn’t feel right at this time, or part way through if you need to stop completely… all of this is PERFECTLY ok, and you should listen and understand that this is just how you are in this moment right now. If you try again in an hour, or a day, or a week, it is incredibly likely your body then will give you different messages based on where you are at then too.

So experiment with yourself. Listen carefully. Drink lots of water. And take this well deserved 30 minutes to let go and just have fun. 🙂


Access the entire ‘PRENATAL PREMIUM PROGRAM’ at:

Watch the PRENATAL Program Trailer:

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Boho Beautiful is Juliana Spicoluk & Mark Spicoluk (mama & papa to Xavian Lionheart)

#prenatal #pregnancy #prenatalyoga


Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.


  1. I definitely can’t do all these plank/mountain climber positions without my abs starting to dome and I’m 26 weeks along… I can do little dips like at the beginning but nope to the rest of it and anything that twists.

  2. This was perfect for me. Thanks a lot!❤ But I'm just at the beginning of the second trimester and I'm used to doing workout. This is definitely not for everyone, but I am so greatful there are videos as intense as this for pregnant ladies as well. I don't think it would serve very well to try to make a video for everyone. Everybody can listen to their bodies and what feels good for them🙏❤️


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