Prenatal Yoga for Beginners | Yoga Exercises For Pregnant Women | Pregnancy Yoga for childbirth


Prenatal Yoga for Beginners sequence is simple at most powerful Exercises For Pregnant Women. For comfortable pregnancy and easy child birth labour.
We can see that
majority of women are going through tremendous stress, pain, hypertension and such problems during their pregnancy. Prenatal period is supposed to feel beautiful, stress free and stronger and all of this can be achieved through regular practice of Yoga. The main benefit is allowing a woman to have a normal child birth which is their boon.
We highly recommend daily Yoga practice to all Pregnant Women.

Yoga Practices:
1. Modified Suryanamaskara for Pregnant women
2. Vyaghra Shwasa breathing
3. Adho-Mukha Virasana
4. Setubandasana breathing
5. Baddha Konasana
6. Upvista Konasana
7. Bharadwaj asana
8. Savasana
9. Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama – without breath retention
10. Brahmari Pranayama
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