Prenatal Yoga for Beginners, All Trimesters, Weight Loss & Flexibility for Healthy Moms


Prenatal Yoga for Beginners, All Trimesters, Weight Loss & Flexibility for Healthy Moms
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Prenatal #Yoga for #Beginners, All Trimesters, #WeightLoss & Flexibility for Healthy Moms

Riki leads you through a 20 Minute Yoga Flow for moms-to-be, to relieve symptoms like morning sickness and help you release stress, tension, back pain, etc. This is flow is great for all levels and all stages of pregnancy.

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Music by iChill Music Factory
Song: Secret of India
Album: Gaia

© Copyright 2017 Target Public Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ♥ #Psychetruth


  1. I'm a bit surprised that the title of the video says that it's (also) for weight loss since I recently learned you're not supposed to lose weight during pregnancy (because of obvious reasons, but also because of toxins and pollutants that get freed during losing weight and flushed also into the fetus's bloodstream)

  2. I just found out that I'm pregnant with my 3rd and I've tried apps but they're either low quality or you have to pay for decent ones. I found this one and it seems to be good. I still have a muffin top from my previous pregnancies so I figured this would help with that. Sshh my family (except for hubby) doesn't know yet

  3. I did this video everyday for the last 3 weeks of pregnancy and my labor was EASY! I did use an epidural but once it was time to push, 2 pushed and my little one was out! I had no tears, no damage to my vagina. I left the hospital the next day! No need for pain meds either for recovery, just a little swelling! I believe by the grace of god and this video, I was able to have a smoother delivery than my first pregnancy!!

  4. So, I did this starting in the second trimester with my first pregnancy, which was a remarkably easy one (thank God). But I'm in my third trimester, second pregnancy, and have been having some issues with breathing and general pain that I don't recall from the first. It occurred that I never re-started this routine. Within minutes my lungs felt like they opened up. Yoga, this routine especially, really does make a massive difference. Would definitely recommend and am very grateful that it's here!

  5. I can usually practice for 30 mins at a time no problem. But I’m in my first trimester still and my legs start to shake after 15 minutes! So I had a break half way through this 😳 amazing routine nonetheless. Very soothing


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