Prenatal Morning Yoga Bliss | Full Body Relief & Compassionate Alignment


This 40 min morning prenatal yoga for all trimesters is taken from our full Prenatal program:

This gentle and restorative prenatal yoga class is perfect for any mom-to-be in all trimesters of her pregnancy journey. This easy Boho Beautiful pregnancy yoga practice will focus on helping you release tension, pain, and stiffness out of your lower back, hips, and upper body. A perfect remedy for any pregnancy discomfort that you may feel no matter if you are in your first, second, or third trimester.

So set the mood by lighting a candle to honor your inner light and spend these moments with your beautiful baby within.

Props: 1 Yoga Strap, 2 Yoga Blocks, 1 Bolster

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Boho Beautiful is Juliana Spicoluk & Mark Spicoluk (mama & papa to Xavian Lionheart)

Boho Beautiful Yoga is a yoga fitness lifestyle channel that is creating positive content for your body, mind, and the earth. Yoga, Wanderlust, Fitness, Vegan food, Conscious Living, and Meditation!

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Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.


  1. Loving these prenatal classes and I wish I had discovered them sooner. It would be great if you could offer the individual Trimesters in the paid option for those joining a bit later in their pregnancy. Thank you🙏💛

  2. Hello! I am 39weeks 5 days right now, soon to give birth to my beautiful baby girl! I was hoping you would have a video soon about your birthing experience and what you did after birth to get back to your yoga and strength journey. Right now as my body expands I find getting on my mat in the way I used to very difficult and wonder how I am going to get back to where I was in a new form of my body… would love to hear your tips hopefully soon!! Have a wondering day ❤️❤️

  3. I can't expres how happy to see you upload this video for free. I am pregnant and do your other two free perinatal videos every day and I wished for one more of your classes🙏🏻🙏🏻❤❤ my wish came true today😍😍🙏🏻 your videos is like a treasure to me.
    I live in iran and unfortunately I am not able to buy the full boho beautiful prenatal program 😭
    Thank you for this class🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. Hi Juliana! I do yoga with you daily and am not pregnant nor will I ever be again 😕 but I am hoping you get this question because I've always wondered. Do you only do yoga & pilates etc or do you ever do any other exercises to keep your beautiful body?


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