Pregnancy Yoga & Exercises To Induce Labor Naturally!


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Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, and pre & postnatal fitness instructor and certified pregnancy and postpartum core exercise specialist (CPES). She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and feel energized after pregnancy!

Disclaimer: This is a general pregnancy fitness video. Please check with your doctor or healthcare provider to see if this video is safe for you. Wait until you get clearance (usually 4-6 weeks postpartum or 6-8 weeks after a c-section). You are responsible for your own safety. Do not do anything that feels unsafe for you or your baby. Stop immediately if you experience any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV, and Jessica Pumple are not liable for any injury, loss, damages, costs, or expenses incurred by you in relation to this video or its content.

Copyright © P&P Health Inc. 2024. All rights reserved.

#pregnancyexercise #pregnancyyoga #inducelabor


  1. Jessica, mom sons see me do your workouts almost daily and they put two and two together that they do you son, Greyson's workouts almost daily too! I was like no way, then they showed me!! You and your son have made such an impact on our lives. Allllll 5 of my sons do his workouts (even the 2 year old does push ups as best as he can). Please let your son know to keep up the great work! 👏
    I'm 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I am about to do this video! I'll keep you and the other mommies updated after I have my 1st baby girl.

  2. Let me tell you all how fast these exercises worked for me..
    I was 37+5 weeks and I was going through a rough pregnancy. Now I stumbled on this video and decided at 10:00pm I was gonna just do the exercises in this video, no big deal right? Did the whole timeframe of the video and by 2:35am I was having contractions!!! Went to the hospital at 3:00am and gave birth at 9:00am!! Baby and I were doing just fine after. This video definitely worked for me, ladies!! 🤣🤣

  3. It worked and I got my baby girl in my arms already 🤩❤️

    I was 39+ weeks with no signs of baby coming out. Started doing these 39+2 days onwards and at 39+5 I did these twice – once in the morning and in the evening., followed by miles circuit twice. I started having delivery pain the very next morning (4.30 am). Those were very mild period like cramps. Around 2.30 pm the pain started getting intense and was 1 cm dilated. Delivered my baby girl by 10.30 pm and she was born on my dad’s deathiversary 🥹😇❤️

  4. Postpartum mama here! I did all her exercises, plus 20 minutes of curb walking during the last week of my pregnancy, and I had a normal delivery. I started these exercises at 36 weeks, so if you're starting late, don’t worry—just do your best! Most importantly, stay relaxed! Wishing you all the best if you're reading this. 😊

  5. Did this and a few other of your 3rd trimester yoga videos almost every day for the last month of pregnancy, and had a beautiful, quick (3 hrs active) and complication free birth! Baby was in such a better position than my last birth which was back labor and i credit it almost all to exercise i did throughout pregnancy but especially late pregnancy!

  6. Love your videos. I had done and saved your video from 4 years ago with my last pregnancy and revisited it yesterday now that I am 37 weeks again. Was going to do it again today and just saw this video today…what a coincidence!! Love the way you teach and how quick the exercises are.

  7. 38 weeks and 3 days was the last excercise i did i followed all your vedios in my pregnancy never back pain or pelvic pain today 9 oct at 1 in the morning my water broke 4 am i came to hospital fully dilated and 5:08 my baby born . 4 hours my labour lasted with no epidural no stitches and this is my first birth still in hospital hope to start postpartum yoga soon . thankyou so much

  8. 40 + 2 today and have been doing this specific workout for the last 3 days but have been doing your prenatal yoga videos since the beginning of pregnancy. I’m a first time mama and have finally hit 1-2cm dilated so I’m praying baby will be coming soon! Thank you so much for providing such helpful videos for the women ❤️‼️

  9. 39 + 1 and praying this helps me. My first two came at 38 weeks. I’m hopeful this baby is coming soon on her own ❤

    Update! It worked. I went into labor the next morning at 39+2 and had a wonderful natural birth experience. Thank you for your amazing videos! The doctor wanted to force me to start pushing on my back and I said no and waited on the baby ❤ I delivered on all 4.

    Now I just need to figure out how to get through these postpartum after pains. This was my 3rd child and the pains are worse than labor 🤦🏽‍♀️

  10. Hey Jessica. I’m currently 38+5 and just finished this video. I did it with my 2 year old daughter. Hopefully it helps, because I’m so ready to meet my baby. Thanks for sharing the best videos with us. ❤

  11. @40wks1day today! Been following along your videos in third trimester and they have helped me have a nice pain free third trimester. Like the person, taking this video being posted as a sign that things will get moving soon.

  12. 40+2 today! I’ve been doing your pregnancy yoga videos throughout my entire pregnancy and have been doing either the induction video from 4 years ago or this new one daily since 39 weeks! No labor yet 🙁 but I have been extremely comfortable and baby has been in a great position throughout my pregnancy. Thanks for the videos!

  13. Thank you so much for the free resources you provide!

    I am 2.5 months postpartum with my second kiddo and feeling great. I had my baby naturally and medication free at 41 weeks 5 days. He was 9 lbs 12 oz! He came out in a couple pushes and I didn’t tear at all! I mainly labored at home and gave birth 2 hours after checking into a hospital.

    I did your workouts about 3 times per week, I watched (and rewatched) your videos on breathing techniques, and I practiced birthing positions.

    I believe that your videos had a huge impact on my birth experience and for that I will forever be grateful.

    Thank you 💕

  14. Hi there! Been faithfully following your prenatal yoga videos for the past 3-4 months. I was 40 weeks 2 days ago, and was so excited to see this new yoga video so I could jump start labor and avoid induction! Just came here to say it WORKS! Our baby came literally hours after completing it! Thank you SO much. ❤️


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