Pregnancy Pilates For A Fit & Toned Pregnancy (20-Min Prenatal Pilates Class)


Today we are doing a 20-Minute Pregnancy Pilates Workout for a toned and fit pregnancy! You can start this as early as your first trimester and continue until your birth! I hope you feel amazing after this prenatal pilates class (safe for 1sts trimester, 2nd trimester and 3rd trimester).

Guide to cope with pain in labor:

January Monthly Workout Challenge

Find newest monthly pregnancy challenge in the community tab!

Pregnancy Meal Plan:
Pelvic Floor Guide For Birth Prep:
Pregnancy Yoga Cards:

Natural Birth Education Playlist:

How to avoid tearing during labor:

My other video to prepare for a normal delivery:

Disclaimer: This is general prenatal fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.

Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, certified pre & postnatal fitness instructor, and pregnancy & postpartum core exercise specialist. She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and find more energy!

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Copyright P&P Health Inc. 2023. All rights reserved.

#pregnancystretches #pregnancyyoga #prenatalstretches

Music: Epidemic Sound


  1. 5 weeks pregnant with my 2nd! Loving your pregnancy safe workouts! Switched to you once I found out and trying to continue my workout regime throughout my pregnancy and not gain as much as I did with my first!

  2. I remember during my first pregnancy I did one type of workout almost every day a it was the more difficult the "more pregnant" I was.
    Now, in my 3rd pregnancy, I do usually 20 min of your pilates video now every day and those workouts feels easier as I get stronger despite it't my 32nd week now. I actually found myself looking forward and be curious about the future labor and I feel self-confident about it. Thank you!

  3. Pregnant with my 3rd in under 4 years and the heaviest I've ever been. I'm hoping this helps me be regain control of my health through my pregnancy! The stretches feel great and it's challenging enough without being too much. Thank u!

  4. I find this set an absolute godsend for sciatica pain! If my feeling is universal, I would perhaps consider renaming this session to refer to sciatica pain? Indeed as a Pilates it is (painfully 😅) focused on the hips but this is exactly what fixes the sciatica problem. Sending lots of love! 🥰

  5. I found out I’m pregnant 2 days ago! So I’m only 5-6 weeks but I haven’t been taking care of my body like I should for… many months before this. But now it’s not just MY body anymore! I want to be a strong and healthy temple for my baby and start healthy routines again for him/her. You’ve got a new subscriber! This made my glutes light up and I feel more stable just after one session. 🙂

  6. I had twins a year ago and never healed my diastasis recti. I am pregnant again and exercising has been non-existant. I really want to get into it. Is this routine safe for me to do?

  7. I am 37 weeks pregnant with twins and started doing your videos in week 16 when I had so severe sciatic pain, I couldn't even walk anymore due to loosening of all the ligaments. After 3 weeks daily workouts the pain was gone. I continued to do your work outs and now feel still strong even with my big twin belly. Especially the pilates workouts were a big help! Thank you so much! I can really recommend this channel to everybody!

  8. I'm approaching the end of the first trimester and I do your videos whenever I have the energy/lack of nausea to do so. I worked out regularly before getting pregnant and the one thing I would suggest, if I can, is to not focus in on one muscle group for so many exercises in a row. I don't know if it's just me but I find it exhausting and hard to do for the full duration of the muscle group. I used to be relatively fine at focusing in, but this pregnancy has really kicked my butt. Not sure if anybody else feels this way but I just wanted to put it out there in case anyone agrees. Super grateful for these videos though!

  9. Dear Jessica
    I genuinly never commented on a yt video but your viedeos and therefore your presence and enegry helped me soo much during my whole preganancy ❣️🥺 Im currently preganent with my first baby (Im 22 and was super fit before I got preganent maybe it was already unheathy how much sport I was doing ; 1 and a half hours everyday and I wasnt eating enough) but my health flourished in this preganany! Im eating very well and been doing your amazing workouts 4 times a week (but also listend to my Body when I needed the Rest ) currently im waiting for my babyboy to arrive (due date is in 5 days) and been practising with your labour Meditation . Thank u so much for your viedeos and the positive impact you have . Much love from germany to you 🌷💫☀️❤️❤️❤️

  10. Second pregnancy here but I’m 5 years older and have had PGP which has hindered my Pilates these last 10 weeks, so today I tried this video and I nearly cried at how empowering it was to move again with not only minimal pain, but with relief on my pelvis and feeling stronger afterwards. THANK YOU.

  11. 31 weeks pregnant and doing your workouts since I was 16 weeks. I gained a lot of strength even though I gained a lot of weight as well (62lbs / 28kg).
    I have no pain, I still sleep amazing at night, still able to walk about 10.000 steps. I feel huge but I also feel very strong! Thank you for your amazing channel I will be following your workouts all the way and Im planning to follow postpartum program as well. You are amazing!!! ❤

  12. My form has improved a lot with this video. I'm also following other prenatal videos and workout playlists on your channel. Thank you very much for creating these wonderful resources for women.
    Can you please make more videos like this, especially for yoga?


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