For this to be effective it seems you’d need her nearly bottom glutes to be a bit (or about to) elevated as it rests on the knee? Then the spine will decompress. It seems many aren’t getting the bottom edge of glute resting on knee? Which is why they say the ankles are only stretched?
Lol I’m fairly young I work In the oilfield and had my girlfriend do this to me and I sounded like a rice crispy treat my ankles and knees popped first then a nice deep lower back pop after I told her to jolt back at the end of the stretch 💯 👌
Infertility is one of the most common troubles induced by stress and erratic lifestyles. Yoga-inspired exercises are ideal for women who are thinking about...
For this to be effective it seems you’d need her nearly bottom glutes to be a bit (or about to) elevated as it rests on the knee? Then the spine will decompress. It seems many aren’t getting the bottom edge of glute resting on knee? Which is why they say the ankles are only stretched?
What the contraindications of this technique?
Pulling below the knee?
Hello can we perform this on a pregnant woman?
I'm concerned about her weight to be honest
Of course a bitch needs a man to even stretch. Come on man 🤦♂️
Whats it like being your girls girlfriend
I tried this on my little brother he’s been on the ground for a few hours now thank you😊😊😊
Alright time to find someone with back pain
Man’s havin fun💀
She needs some food not a stretch
What if my partner isn't a twig?
Just tried this. It literally only stretches your ankes lol
А если партнер пожилой,старый и толстый человек? Это сколько же надо силы,чтоб так сделать??!!
Thought he was about to pull her legs out
Lol I’m fairly young I work In the oilfield and had my girlfriend do this to me and I sounded like a rice crispy treat my ankles and knees popped first then a nice deep lower back pop after I told her to jolt back at the end of the stretch 💯 👌
I would just rest her lower limbs on a fitball
Dude's about to lock her in the Walls of Jericho! 😂
Clap clap clap clap
great idea
OK, time to find partner.
You’re so good & awesome ❤🙏👌 how can I get in touch with you please? And where are you located.. Canada Ontario?
хорошо для поясници
Super useful to viewers
Please show the condition of the patient before and after the treatment
Bruh boutta double straight ankle lock his spouse smh