No More Prostate Problems – Day 1 | Yoga Exercises for Men Over 40


🌱 Experience relief from your prostate problems with my Prostate Revival Course➡️

🌱 Looking for a yoga course that meets your needs as a complete beginner? Have a look at my Complete Beginners Yoga Guide➡️

हिन्दी में वीडियो प्लेलिस्ट👇
🔥पुरुषों में प्रजनन क्षमता बढ़ाने का योग

🔥योग कैसे करें Part 1 to 8

🔥महिलाओं के लिए लाभकारी योग

More informative videos👇
🌈Gas Relief Exercises | How to Release Gas from Stomach @yogawithamit

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🌈Yoga for Bladder Problems | Overactive Bladder Exercises | Yoga for Urinary Bladder Problems

🙏🏻This is Amit Namdev
WELCOME to your traditional yogi’s channel by Amit Namdev Certified Yoga Teacher – Diploma in Yoga & Naturopathy by Govt. Of India. Here you can find step-by-step free yoga videos ranging from short 5-minute yoga routines to longer 45-minute yoga practices for all levels to help you get stretched, stress-free, stronger, happier, healthier last but not least mindful… SUBSCRIBE for MORE free yoga each week:
!!! Disclaimer Alert !!!
This video is not medical advice. Amit Namdev is an Indian govt. certified Yoga Instructor, with 16 years of teaching experience. However, he is not your therapist and can’t possibly know your exact problem or diagnose you through YouTube. So please don’t use this video to avoid going to your own healthcare advisor/doctor or therapist.
This Video is only intended to show you the correct techniques for mental or physical exercise and should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment without seeing your healthcare physician or therapist.
Please check with your doctor before trying these techniques and at any time you feel discomfort doing any of these exercises, stop immediately and consult with your healthcare professional. Thank you for your co-operation. 🙂

#yogaforbeginners #yogaforprostate #gasrelief #yogainspiration #healthylifestyle #fitness


  1. Amit ji namaskar
    In sonography the enlarged prostate BPH is 63 gm which is much more.
    i took allopathic medicine for one and half months,flow of urine has a progress but not shrinked. yesterday dr told it may be given after four months rather you may have to go under surgery.
    simultaneously i am having vit c,d3,e, zink and also pumpkin seeds daily. i have also taken 60 tabs of shilajit too.
    with this i use to do some yoga guided by acharya Pratishta ji
    but feel no such improvement
    please guide me to come out from this problem
    thank you

  2. Master this prostate sequence 1 practicing by watching your video is very helpful, likewise is there yoga for epilepsy ? Bcos I taking medicine regularly from past 18 years ,
    Kindly post us video, I'm from bangalore, gurubhyu namah🙏

  3. Здравствуйте, Мне нравится ваша упражнения Я уже делаю 2 месяц , это у вас уже другой упражнения. 5 этапов первый этап нужно делать месяц,? И также второй этап? Ответьте пожалуйста

  4. Dear Amit, Thank you for your video. Just as a tip, please do not recommend any longer to do this on a chair, it is not possible to do all sequence in a chair, you can recommend to do it on the garden, on a mat , on the rug or a on a bed

  5. Hello Amit I have two considerations to do : 1. To me it looks like normal relaxing yoga poses and nothing to do with prostate. 2. Not everybody is flexible like you and sometime I personally struggle to complete your exercises. Whey don’t you do and easy version as well for normal people not made in rubber. Thank you

  6. Amit, thank you for offering this. Would you recommend following this yoga or similar for an inflamed prostate (non-bacterial prostatitis) ? The symptoms are rather different from an enlarged prostate. Any help or advice would be appreciated.

  7. Continuing this practice with great success. It is now becoming regular that I only get up once a night to urinate, instead of normally 2 or 3. I've also changed my diet to focus on green vegetables and salmon, and lots of turmeric (& black pepper). Amit — do you recommend hot peppers? I have been eating ghost peppers 1X per day as they seem to be anti-cancer.


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