Low Back Pain Fix! #shots



  1. I appreciate your partner being there so that also a pregnant and became transformed my body into something that I’ve never had before stiff loaded fat with a boat on my back and a double chin. I hope I can try to reform my body into something even better than what I have before.

  2. Thank you for confirming I'm not crazy!!! Hurt by back overworking my golf swing, saw a physical therapist. Gave my a list of stretches. Back pain went from a 4 to a 7 the next day!!!

    Kept stretching thinking it would get better. It did not. 2 nights of no sleep, then one day of doing nothing and I feel so much better. I'll work on these today and see how things go

  3. I can't do that pose sitting on my feet, my buttocks don't touch my feet, I have pain at my lower back, waist and hips. I workout 3-5 days a week. Cardio and some routines with body weight.


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