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Yoga for anxiety & stress | neck & upper body focus | 20min
A 20min yoga practice for slowing down, alleviate anxiety and stress while also releasing the neck and upper body. Wishing you wellness and hope...
20 minute Yoga for Reducing Belly Fat and Improving Abs | Day 6 of...
👉🏼 Join us for the 21 Day Yoga Sadhana Beginner:
to practice many asanas, meditations and learn the yoga philosophy.
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Best Stretch For Lower Back Pain #shorts
If you have pain in your lower back it’s likely because of the hip flexor muscles, which keep your back in an anterior pelvic...
Yoga for Lower Back Pain | 5 min INSTANT Relief | YogBela
Yoga for Lower Back Pain | 5 min INSTANT Relief | YogBela
Relieve lower back pain in 5 minutes with this magical sequence. Practice this...
Yoga for Lower Back Pain – 10-Minute Beginner Stretches for the Low Back
This Yoga for Lower Back Pain practice includes top stretches for beginners. This sequence of low back exercises and stretches can be practiced every...
this is MAGIC✨✨✨ thank you!
the way she looks at you 🥺
could we get upper back and mid back videos too please? 🥺
She's funny, beautiful too
I just ran 17 miles hopefully this helps lol
Girl in the back is a mood 🤣
You shouldve seen my face when the video started. I was like no way I'm doing that 😳🤣
i fking love your hair
flex the back, start twerkin' got it
That first exercise feels so good wow… I can’t believe I’ve never seen anyone else do that before for back pain. Thank you😊
1.Flex the back
2.Mobilize the back
3.Throw it back
Former Firefighter and Extreme Weight loss Doctors told me that it was Autritus and ask me if I have ever been to Rehab Therapy
She was ready😮
When is she getting flexy
I appreciate your partner being there so that also a pregnant and became transformed my body into something that I’ve never had before stiff loaded fat with a boat on my back and a double chin. I hope I can try to reform my body into something even better than what I have before.
Really good
Haha not wine!
The intro pose is how I be after a retail shift
Thank you so much
Those hundreds
Twerk the pain away
This was a fun video to watch thank you for sharing, I did the first recommended thing is it helped.
Maan you are so handsome….
Dude there’s a pig in your house
Lol that's stretch on table
i can't believe i've been trying to stretch this whole time, flexing it just immediately relieved so much of the pain. not permanently of course, but hopefully it'll motivate me to do it more often
She’s such a cutie. ❤
I love your videos, they're always so educational. But you two are absolutely adorable 😂❤
Thank you for confirming I'm not crazy!!! Hurt by back overworking my golf swing, saw a physical therapist. Gave my a list of stretches. Back pain went from a 4 to a 7 the next day!!!
Kept stretching thinking it would get better. It did not. 2 nights of no sleep, then one day of doing nothing and I feel so much better. I'll work on these today and see how things go
Get that brown elephant to do something is well
Your costar really stole the show
Thank you so much 😢. I am relief
I can't do that pose sitting on my feet, my buttocks don't touch my feet, I have pain at my lower back, waist and hips. I workout 3-5 days a week. Cardio and some routines with body weight.
Yeah bro if I leaned forward like that I would literally die from the pan
I want your wife to be in the back ground like an Easter egg most videos.
I've been having lower back pain for weeks. This is exactly what I needed!
How many sets? How long?
The freakier is looks the better it feels