How I Healed My Back Pain Herniated Disc | Yoga for Lower Back Pain Relief


This is a 15-minute routine for low back pain from a herniated disc. These are exercises and stretches that I used to help with my lower back issues and can also help with facet joint syndrome and sciatica, which were issues I also had in conjunction with the herniated discs. Always listen to your body and never push into pain. Back off when you need to, take it easy, and be kind to your spine : )

Start the yoga for back pain course:

This didn’t happen overnight, so give it time to heal, and be patient as you work toward health.

Other classes for back pain:

Tim Senesi Yoga, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.


  1. Hi, I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease 10 years ago only in the last several months have I been great pain from it. I am used to doing yoga 2hours a day lately I can’t hardly do gentle yoga. Do you feel rest? Is the biggest part of getting over this? I am 72 years old and I go to Gym regularly lift weights.

  2. Loved this. Just what I needed. I used to be a paid member in your community. I hope to return someday ☺️. Been going through a difficult body phase with health, able to start peppering through your amazing teachings through my week! Thank you so much Tim 🙏❤️. Lou

  3. Hi – I had surgery November 2023 to fix herniation of L5S1 disc. Unfortunately the disc has reherniated, confirmed by an MRI. Can I start doing your exercises now while I have the pain? Not sure if the pain is going away minus exercises

  4. I'm pretty active and fit so I felt devastated when the MRI came up showing various cervical and lumbar mild herniated discs. Recently had an "episode"of lower back pain and foot numbness. I searched for videos about this topic and came around this one…….all I can say is thank you and bless you. I've been doing this daily since I still exercise (modified routines to fit my situation).

    This yogawithtim video, has got rid of my pain and numbness, it has worked wonders, I've been doing it for a week and I've seen really fast relief and improvement. I'm very happy and thankful😊

  5. In my years of exercise and working through various problems (knee, shin issues with running, elbow and finger issues with climbing, back issues) my main take away has been to keep trying new things. Keep trying to find solutions. Does stretching not work? Try strengthening exercise. Does rest not work? Go to a fysio. Basically don't give up and always look for new ways to fix the problem. Everybody is different and eventually you will find what works for you.

  6. Hi Kim here letting you know we are working with your video every other day now today was the 8th day. We have some severe lumbar spine issues but today we had some improvements in strength balance and coordination. We intend to continue working with your video and will keep you informed

  7. 😊 thank you so much with😮 disc herniations I was told not to do a child's pose is that true? I heard flexion is not good for bulging discs it looks like a great routine is it good to do this in between days of physical therapy?

  8. Thank you so much I have two disc herniations and two bulging discs in the lower spine I was in pain for 3 months and physical therapy helped but just after 2 weeks of being pain-free I tried a new chiropractor and he hurt me and I'm having burning pain again since January I'm having Physical Therapy didn't help this time it's been over 5 months with this issue I think I'm overstretching I'm trying to do the plough pose but maybe that's making it worse I'm going to try your video thank you do you think the Plough pose will make the herniations worse ? For some reason I was healed in three months this time it's over 5 months I'm not getting better I'm doing something wrong

  9. Your video came up after i was doing a different yoga video and the title, yoga for low back. As i was listening and you brought up Dr. Sarno. I am now subscribed and am looking forward to doing your videos😊

  10. I've been doing yoga for 15 years, perhaps always too aggressively, I'm very flexible but a I always have some sort of back pain.
    I had also abused my lower back with gymnastics, breakdance and skateboarding at a younger age.
    I never thought about going through those basic movements, concentrating on muscle tension and position more than range.
    I'll give it go, thanks 🙏

  11. Thank you. Dealing with herniated disc l5 s1. In pain. Will try. Physical therapy was not this good. Need to relax while engaging. My transverse is turned off. Love this view. Assuming California

  12. Hi Tim, thank you very much for the video, I found it very interesting and helpful. I am 62 years old, a lifelong surfer who is just getting back into the water over the last few months. I’ve had a back issue for 20 years with scans showing disc bulge, herniation and arthritis similar to your story. I have completed the initial yoga class tonight and found it interesting and helpful. I completed the postures with reasonable ease and without antagonising my back pain. I have been completing stretches and corrective exercises daily over a long period(perhaps some are the wrong exercises,) and am quite flexible, however I do have ongoing back pain and sometimes mild sciatica. My lower back pain has been reasonably strong for the last few weeks and I’m not getting on top of it with my usual exercises etc . Your story touch the cord with me as appeared somewhat similar to my own . I have subscribed to your channel and would like to learn more, get on top of my pain and start your routines/program. I would like your opinion, as mentioned I have been doing corrective exercise and stretching over a fairly long period and I’m quite flexible would it be more beneficial for me to start with a slightly more advanced routine to begin with or stay with this routine. I look forward to hearing from you,
    Thanks again, kind regards, Dave, Gold Coast, Australia

  13. 🙏 I keep coming back to these back practices! I have prolapsed discs from many years of high impact exercises & I too discovered yoga after advice from my consultant as I refused to have an operation. That was around 17 years ago and now with lots of walking & yoga, rarely have any problems or pain. This practice is particularly great after a mountain climb or a hard hike. Been with you since COVID & so thank you Tim for your inspiring classes! 😊

  14. You must be somewhere in southern or central Cali! San Diego maybe?
    Great video, thanks for sharing your story, it provides valuable perspective. I have a herniated disk and I’m trying to get back into yoga, so I appreciate your videos!

  15. I’ve been following you for two years. And have done the video in yoga dose for back everyday since then. It helped me recover from back pain. However I see some potential mistakes in this video, specifically the movements that cause the spine to bend too much. I definitely recommend to follow Dr Stuart MgGill for a scientific approach on how to fix Back Pain.

  16. Thank you Tim I am 67 years old and have a herniated disc injury from my 20s when I was a female bodybuilder LOL in a different life and then I switched to yoga have done yoga for years and years and years but my disk flares up randomly here and there and I just had a bad one was looking through YouTube and found you thank you so much I'm going back to the beginning with you it seems to be a proper direction thanks again


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