Hatha Yoga with David Procyshyn: Yoga for Anxiety and Depression


DoYogaWithMe.com | Anxiety can be a difficult emotion to let go of. It requires a dedication to self-reflection, opening up to vulnerability and an understanding of what anxiety feels like in your body and how to move it through. David spent many years plagued with anxiety and this class brings together everything he has learned through pranayama, meditation, movement and yoga.


  1. Thank you so much for this very powerful practice. I wasn’t feeling anxious but I wanted to do a relaxing yoga and this touched me I had a big release of energy through tears at the end and I feel a new sense of self love. ❤️ thank you 🙏

  2. I come back to this beautiful sequence again and again. Thanks you so much for creating, leading and opening up this practice to the people of the world. Go well David, may you be well, may you be filled with loving kindness, ma you be at ease and happy. Namaste.

  3. Here I am again David – needed this today but I have a problem with the breathing, I find myself feeling oozy – what am I doing wrong?
    I’m enjoying Josh Chan classes too, the pace is perfect and I’d like more please 🙏
    I’m also in your debt for teaching me how to combat the increasing age related ailments, it’s hard and frustrating but without you, where would I be 😘 with much love and gratitude. Lizzy xx 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

  4. I was really stressed this morning. I felt like I was going to start having arrhythmias in my heart. As I started these exercises the stress stayed with me awhile but as I kept doing the breathing and following your direction eventually my whole body relaxed and now I feel wonderful. Thank you so much!


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