Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt with 1 Simple Exercise! #anteriorpelvictilt #lowbackpain #shorts


Here’s a great exercise you can do to remove rotation and return your hips/ pelvis back to a neutral position to help relieve back pain.

Comment below👇if you made it to the full two minutes!

For more exercises on anterior pelvic tilt, check out our Posture app for your free trial! 👉

#anteriorpelvictilt #lordosis #lowback #lowbackpain #lowbackpainrelief


  1. Do this and do Hip Flexer workouts for 30 seconds on each leg before bed or while waking up recommend atleast 2 times a day I have APT and i have been doing this and it seems to be working slowly

  2. اخي العزيز انتبه من الموسيقى فهي محرمة لقول الرسول محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ليكونن من امتي اقوام يستحلون الحر والحرير والخمر والمعازف بارك الله فيك


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