Exercises In Pregnancy | Dr Anjali Kumar | Maitri


Being active and exercising in pregnancy is not only safe but can have immense benefits. Unfortunately many women are sceptical of following an active lifestyle and exercising in pregnancy. In this video we talk about the benefits of exercise, when not to do the exercise and of course what exercises to do. Over and above these exercises, please include, walking, low impact exercises like yoga and pilates too . And always consult your doctor before starting any exercise regime.
In this Video, Rashmi Bawa joins us for teaching the exercises. She is the Director of “Well Mom Antenatal”, a company providing childbirth education to the couples.
The exercises are demonstrated by Dolly Kataria

Shot and edited by Arista Motion Pictures-

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  1. Hello Doctor, I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I was on a complete bed rest till date. Now my Obgyn has advised me to start exercising and walking. What are my chances of vaginal delivery? Or should I opt for C-section? Please advise. I'm so scared of cuts during vaginal delivery.


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