Wow thank you so much. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t sleep. Just did this and it took away about 40% of the pain. It still hurts but atleast Im not in tears anymore
Irregular Periods, PCOS or pcod, Infertility?? Try these 3 Yoga Streches | Butterfly Pose | Mudra
With the butterfly pose or baddhakonasana, you can stay...
This worked! That last bit was tough
Can u do this with fusion hardware?
Thanks so much!!❤
Hope it helps ..
Thanks for this vid, it helped me alot.
Quite helpful ❤
ترجمه عربي رجاءا
Just watching this gave me relief😅
Thank You❤🙏
Will this help pinched nerve in lumbar spine
I do it. I know this great exercise👍🏼
Really felt so much comfortable …thank you so much ❤
Hmm… This puts a lot of strain on my balls so I can't do it.
My parents walked in. 😅
Messed it up on deadlifts and its working
This works 100%, i had the pain for a month and this stretch helps so much. I started doing it everyday in the morning. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Wow thank you so much. I was in so much pain that I couldn’t sleep. Just did this and it took away about 40% of the pain. It still hurts but atleast Im not in tears anymore
Ohhhhhh ahhhhhh yasssss…literally i had a pinch nerve
U r best sir🎉
Stretch and loose the last ring of L5-S1 disc😅
Omgg.. yessss
Survey!? For those who tried & felt relief, how long did the relief last before you notice the pain come back?
Yees!! I do these and it has helped me tremendously!!❤
The second stretch, no can do!
That was amazing thank you so much
If I was that flexible I wouldn’t have back pain lol.
Baby Pose in yoga. Very effective
Who is watching this right now because of back pain
Thanksss it helps me alot
Thank you Doctor. 😅
Just like a child
This really works. I was having a hard time waking. 10 min and I wasn’t limping anymore
Thank you sir
I’ve been having lower back pain for about two weeks now. I tried this and immediately felt better as I stood up. Thank you 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Bro thank you
Happy Baby pose
this called kukuyasana in yoga
Oh wow I think this worked!? Thanks!
You are the real magician!
Wow, those last few seconds I felt an amazing relaxation
I tried it now…its 50% better…thank you for sharing your knowledge..bless you
Oops my bad
Happy baby from yoga
My god you are a great human being. Thanks you for all your help!!