Daily Stretches for Seniors – Simple Yoga Exercises


“You are as young as your spine is flexible.”

This ten-minute yoga session offers simple stretches meant to be done every day or a few times a week. This kind of stretching will lead to deeper, fuller breaths, which will lead to greater ease in the mind/body and greater vibrancy in life. If you know someone who could use a free video like this, pass it on!

I originally made this video for my octagenarian grandmother, but so many people can benefit from opening up the body’s bigger joints and freeing up space in the body that I didn’t want to keep it private.

May happiness flood to you in every moment.

In peace,



  1. This is exactly what I was looking for. I'm 68 and have arthirtis. Plus I sit in my computer chair way too long. I use a timer to get on my feet and walk around. I'm glad I found you. I will prractice these stretches daily. Flexibility is my aim – I can do this!

  2. I made it to the last pose and didn't feel solid on my feet and was amazed at how 1. Flexible I still am and 2. how much my body was screaming to rest … only after 8 minutes obviously I needed to do this after being an engineer and now a truck driver/trainer I've obviously sat for too dang many years

  3. I don't do routines with You Tube creators because they are always so rushed, I have to say-Yours are perfect. I can keep up with them, while still having time to check and make sure I have myself in the correct positions. Hope you make more videos!

  4. Your routine helped me be able to treat my hip pain, and I went almost another year without another cortisone shot. I had had a cortisone shot about a year before, and my hip was starting to be very painful again, going from light pain to ridiculous pain at any given moment. One day I came across your routine here, and the hands on thighs, then to the floor, right to left saved me!! While doing that stretch, my hip apparently moved back into alignment, and it was a whole new world! I could walk without pain!! And anytime it started bothering me, from then on, I could just do that stretch,and it fixed it right up. THANK YOU. I even shared it with a friend when her hip all of a sudden was causing her so much pain out of nowhere. She did it, and it worked for her, too!! I am headed for a hip replacement in a couple of weeks as there is no cartilage left, but your routine has made all the difference in the world. Again, thank you.

  5. Hello Leigha! I hope that you get this message. I have just returned to my yoga practice! I just turned 50. I am so inspired by your spirit and beauty through your yoga. You have the perfect combination of strength and femininity that I am striving for. Would you consider doing a senior yoga 30 day challenge that works from basics to progressively more challenging practices over the 30 days?? I have really frozen shoulders currently with pain that I am trying to help with yoga. My traps and deltoids are quite painful, it's where I carry stress. Thank you for sharing your yoga! Joann 🙏❤

  6. Dear Leigha, I am 63 and recently started following this daily routine. I tried others videos (not yours) but find these not speaking to me <3 Please do more videos for older folk like myself. Be blessed, Judith

  7. Whilst stunning, your beautiful hair is a distraction to your teaching. You have to come out of the pose to move it and students can’t see your neck. It would be better tied up for your teaching.

  8. If you are looking to take care of your body and remain steady on your feet well into your twilight years then it's important to not let anything stand in your way from doing it. Don't let a few dollars stop you from learning the secrets that could change your life while also enriching it. Can you put a price on health?
    link ====>> https://payhip.com/b/wVC4

  9. Thank you! I have a suggestion on the sound. The room you are in swallows/echos your voice so it's difficult for seniors to understand you. Perhaps you could do voice overs with a mic. to accompany the video.

  10. It looks like you are wearing a mic but maybe it is not working. The echo from the room gets in the way of my understanding what you say, sorry to say. I must be able to hear you clearly without looking at you, because if I am in a position, I cannot look and read your lips. More clarity and more non-echo volume would help me. I am 67. Thanks.


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