Daily Pregnancy Birth Ball Exercises For Easy Delivery (3rd Trimester Exercises)


I had 3 positive births and have helped thousands of mothers achieve an unmedicated positive births of their own💪💞 While you can’t completely control how your birth will go, these exercises have made the hugest difference in preparing for a positive birth where you feel like you can cope the entire way through! @PregnancyandPostpartumTV

Grab my COMPLETE GUIDE TO REDUCE AND COPE WITH LABOR PAINS + ALL my pregnancy resources in one spot:

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Jessica Pumple is a registered dietitian, and pre & postnatal fitness instructor and certified pregnancy and postpartum core exercise specialist (CPES). She helps pregnant women stay fit, have healthy babies, and easier labors. She helps new moms with postpartum recovery, to heal and strengthen their core and feel energized after pregnancy!

Disclaimer: This is general pregnancy fitness only. Please check with your doctor or health care provider to see if this video is safe for you. Wait until you get clearance (usually 4-6 weeks or 6-8 weeks after a c-section).You are responsible for your own safety. Don’t do anything that feels unsafe for you or baby. Stop if you have any pain or discomfort, bleeding, chest pain or shortness of breath, dizziness or if you feel unwell. P&P Health Inc., Pregnancy and Postpartum TV and Jessica Pumple are not liable in any way for any injury, loss, damages, costs or expenses suffered by you in relation to this video or its content.

Copyright © P&P Health Inc. 2024. All rights reserved.

#pregnancyexercise #pregnancyworkout #pregnancy


  1. I'm 39 weeks pregnant, it's getting heavy to do most exercises due to pelvic pains but I do short workouts/movement that feel good and it always feels so good after. I've been follow your videos throughout my pregnancy, thank you for the work you put into these videos and all the information you share! It's been (and still is) so helpful!

  2. I'm currently 32 weeks, been having butt pains for a few months. It was too painful and irritating to find a comfortable posture to fall asleep sometimes. Following your exercise helps with at least temporary pain relief. Thank you for providing these tools. Best wishes from China to all mamas for having a smooth, healthy labor.

  3. I delievered my baby at 38 weeks pregnant with 7 hours of labour. This video helped my body a lot to be prepared for the process and the breathing exercises helped me get through the same.
    Thank you so much for these videos❤

  4. 32 weeks and have been a bit slack on the workout front – really needed this and a good reminder to get back on track for the next 8(ish!) weeks! Thank you so much for all that you do and share with the world ❤

  5. 32 weeks here! I've been following your videos since my second trimester and i feel so much better after doing your workouts. What you do is amazing. Thank you so so much for your content!! ❤

  6. Since I hit the 4 months mark, I have been trying your pregnancy workout videos as constantly as I could because my weight gain seemed kinda unexpectedly faster😅 Now I am starting 36 weeks, and it has been helping me feel always better afterwards. Not only it makes me feel strengthened physically, but also supported emotionally so much, especially all the sweet and encouraging quotes in every video.. I am still nervous and overwhelmed by the upcoming delivery as a first time mom, but I know it will be okay and I am strong! Thank you for all your work and support to all moms, Jessica! 🙂


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